Topic: I Love Star Control 3! (Read 21648 times)
I think they could have made it at least workable if they had put in a 2d map, and a starbase at least to upgrade your Mark 1.5 up at. Coincidentally, if they tugged an astroid in to make the second service vessel why stop there? You could tug all sorts of asteroids in and make a fleet of Precursor service vessels. But I digress....
With a map change alone it might have made it an actual better game. The midi tracks would work at first and then after a while would sorta play "off key"...I don't know how else to put it. And it was the same track playing endlessly, I kinda wish they would have come up with something with a bit more beat to know, like SC2
Posts: 817
you guys are still at it with the star control 3... when will the madness stop?
by the way... howdy all. took some time away to persue "dracula x: rondo of blood". its a rather hard castlevania game. but im up for the challange. well talk at you all later.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 139
Cybernetic Experiment
Nobody said anything about the Clairconctler yet.. (or how the hell you're supposed to spell that ) I thought they where fun guys to talk to, they're all words really . First they let you talk on and on and reply only with deadly silence and after that they simply reply with the shortest possible one-liners. And I like their ships too, they're fairly powerfull with large crew and they have a killer broadside like the wooden battleships of old. Also the warp beacon is a handy way of knowing where you're teleporting. However the part I disliked the most about SC3 is the storyline and I don't accept it as a rightfull sequel to SC2
Posts: 3620
The Ancient One
As far as aftermath > TW I heartily agree. It's a fine example of how one dedicated person can do things a indecisive group seems unable to. If aftermath grows, it could even be the medium for our awaited SC sequel, which I think would be kind of ironic.
Not that I'm belittling TW in any way, but considering the amount of time TW has eben around compared to Aftermath, GOB was great fun, but it never really went on from there. If aftermath can, then yowza, whatever I can do to help, I also pledge to do.
However, SC3 was still a complete game with full story, so I don't really thin kwe can compare the two like that. Yes, the battle part of Aftermath is already better than SC3 (IMO), as is the starmap, but there is no story, and nothing that will keep you busy for a long time. When that arrives, I'll give it due credit.
We could also point out, like in "Harry Potter" that only foolish and superstitious people talk about you-know who and thus give him more power, whereas brave and courageous folks can call him by his name.
What's up doc?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The inability of Aftermath to run on non-windows is exceedingly irksome, given the good reactions it is inspiring.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2004, 08:48:32 pm by Death_999 »
Posts: 917
Thraddash Flower Child
Yeppers, haven't played it yet for that reason (and not too keen on running binaries DL'd from the internet; I'll have to install a windows sandbox to try it out).
Also worth noting: since it uses 3D stuff, it won't work on a lot of non-3D accelerated gfx cards. OpenGL can be emulated with a software layer; not sure about DirectX...
It is infuriating that I sent my super high quality SC3 artwork to several different people promising to host it, and all of them have backed down like little girls.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2004, 10:11:12 pm by Shiver »