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Topic: The worst ship? (Read 14864 times)
Avengers are Nemesis food althought, the marines don't work. The Nemesis can easly overrun the Avenger even with the gravity sling-shot trick. Not to mention that the Nemesis can change rolate it's turret at will. Which makes just easier for the Nemesis to hit the Avenger when it's cloaked due to the camera focusing in melee. In TW however, Avengers are pretty decent against human players since, there's no camera focusing to ruin your cloaking ablilty's full potental.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Think about it, if there was ever a online patch that was only going to be used online, we should keep the illwrath visible to the person using it. More of a advantage that way, maybe make it sort of transparent or soemthing to indacate that it is invisible.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Thats what makes this such an interesting debate.
Captain Smith
All I can say basically is that the worst ship always seems to be the one that people suck at the most and the best ship always seems to be the one that people 0wn with. It always never seems to be based on merit. They're all good in their own ways - some just take more skill to do something with than others.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Well this has inspired me to touch up my drone skills. I still suck at the avenger though.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
So that mean we shoudl start a poll!
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Chad doesnt seem to like updating his poll.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
for the worset ship i have to say its the mycon as well... personaly i love the pukunk ships cause they come back to life and the arilou since there fast easy to move around with and well they can telelport lol
Captain Smith
I have one written up - it's always great to have some other ideas, though. Basically the only thing I can think of I'd add to what I wrote is to never underestimate the planet when it comes to the fast ships, because the Ilwrath 0wns when it comes to the gravity whip. Master being around the planet cloaked without killing yourself and you will be a master with the Ilwrath ship.
I've been working on Ilwrath, was actually thinking about reviving the strat page to write one up, but I haven't the time right now. Maybe later...
Captain Smith
To be honest, probably the only ships I have a problem with using and winning consistently with are Syreen and Umgah right now. With all the others I can usually take down at least one ship (name it, ANY ship) or cause some major destruction before I do.
My favorite ship turns into my favorite to play usually and that changes with the seasons. I'd have to say the list right now in not necessarily any order is:
1) Orz. 2) Melnorme. 3) Zot-Foq-Pik. 4) Yehat. 5) Mmrnmhrm. 6) Ur-Quan. 7) Ilwrath.
You'll usually see me try to gravitate to any one of those ships, although I am trying to get much better at the Syreen and Umgah.
Captain Smith
Just because I said I haven't mastered everything doesn't mean I don't have the general grasp of things. Watch the computer play with the Umgah on awesome sometime. The basic idea is to use the special and back yourself in front of where you think the ship will be. Admittedly it's easier starting out with slower ships (I beat a Chenjesu the other day with an Umgah, as an example). Admittedly though, with the Umgah, it ranks pretty low for a reason. Very short ranged weapon, not very durable, the challenge is even getting near a ship to do anything.
With the Syreen, the basic skill problem I have with it is hitting anything with the primary weapon. In some cases I've sucked off all a ships crew only to be destroyed because I couldn't get the final shot in. The other challenge with it is getting near ships to use the secondary weapon (btw, this is the primary tactic to defeat a Syreen - never give it the chance to get in range). The key with the Syreen (and again the primary works against you here) is to be very fast, dodgy, and VERY ACCURATE with it - again watch the computer on awesome play it. I'm surprised just how quick the Syreen can take out a Zot-Foq-Pik, Shofixti, or Pkunk pilot sometimes if they're skilled enough (the awesome AI can definitely do it).
Basically, the ships with the lower points take a whole lot more skill to pilot. But with any ship there's always a good pattern to use it and a good pattern to defeat it (quick example, get in front of the Mmrnmhrm when it changes to y-form and you'll always defeat it, or with the Melnorme, charge directly at him). Chances are if you know how to really defeat a ship, you can pilot it quite well to defeat a lot of ships as well.
With those two ships, I'm just basically saying I don't have the skillz yet to do major damage with them.
Captain Smith, Syreen and Umgah are also ships that I don't like to play with at all so they also bring some problems.
You said before that every ships are good in their own ways, but I think that even a skilled player who plays with Umgah Drone WILL have problems playing against a human, even if he's opponent plays with any ship.
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