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Topic: Text/Speech Differences (Read 7379 times)
Toys for Bob
Zebranky food
Posts: 22

Sadly, the text and speech could never be made to match exactly. In numerous places we inserted either your chosen captain's name or ship's name (or both) in the alien's text. Obviously we couldn't do that with recorded speech.
Why the Syreen's speech was changed I don't know. I don't believe we censored it (it's not THAT bad of a double meaning).
Incidentally this is also one of the reasons we had to change the credit sequences for the 3DO. We forgot to record them initially and since we had taken out the alien text and couldn't get some of the voice actors back, we just decided to cut and run.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 122

The biggest differences in text to speech were the Starbase Commander lines. The voice actor must have really sucked, or he just liked to ad-lib or something. (Or maybe his lines were changed) I went through them all in an ill-fated attempt to make the text match the speech (stupid me didn't backup the fixed text files, and formatted the HD they were on).
OK, Here's what I want to know, and the topic here seems to be well-suited to a slight course deviation:
In what ways was the script changed between the PC and 3DO versions? As in, what (ever so slight) story modifications were made along the way, and why?
For instance, I noticed that this little snippet w/ the Melnorme is completely absent from the current alpha, I'm guessing because the voice actor charged by the line :
How nice to see you again, Captain. Before we go on, I have a small announcement. As you may know, in our travels throughout the galaxy we Melnorme have found many strange and interesting alien artifacts. One of these devices is the MetaChron, a kind of trans-time alarm system. In a nutshell, it warns me of future dangers by predicting its own demise which is most likely linked to my own well being, since I keep it under my pillow. The unit is a small pyramid and, when all is well, white in color. But if we are proceeding along a timeline which will eventually result in the destruction of the MetaChron the unit slowly darkens. Presumably, it will be destroyed at the same time as it turns completely black. When we first entered this region of space, the MetaChron was white. Now it is light gray. At its present rate of change, something will destroy the MetaChron in the early part of the year 2159. In order to avoid this unpleasantness, we may be leaving just before this time so if you have business you wish to conduct with us I suggest you do so before January 2159, or February at the latest.
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

...or Die!
How about totally (!) redubbing some of the voice work? How cool would it be to have YOUR voice in your favourite game?
(i.e. we don't actually have a copy of the final PC dialog).
I didn't know that...I wonder what the script was for then? (I found some errors on it but I thought it was a kind of the original script, so I didn't write them down *sigh*).
I was just curious...did anyone ever make a list of every omission/change? I know the Metachron/Syreen/Mycon changes have been discussed, but I've heard that Hayes and the Arilou also saw changes/omissisions?
I went through some of the conversation logs on The Pages of Now and Forever. Although I'm not entirely surprised at some seems to me that almost half of the references on what to do next are missing. Sometimes KEY elements. Some are less important. Though many people who have had to answer this question over and over may disagree, the Mycon not revealing their homeworld is forgivable. But what of the Utwig? A key clue that the Supox now have the Ultron is removed. I am confused. Why are so many integral clues missing? If anything, you'd think SCII would be DUMMIED down for a console release, not made inexplicably harder.
I am trying to play through the game with as little help as possible, but I'm finding it in cases impossible. (Luckily, Organon was NOT one of them). I remember the game fondly from watching my brother play more than a decade ago. I'm constantly frustrated that I can't share the experience because of these omissions.
Not that this is the UM team's fault. Even so...I feel like it'd be beneficial for people playing UM to have a list of the missing clues, or missing dialogue in general..
(I feel even the Metachron is an important clue...seems cruel to toss the Kohr-ah at the player unexpected.)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 316

Resident pseudointellectual
While we're on this subject: Will efforts be made to rectify dialogue errors in UQM? I realise that mere discrepancies between PC text and 3DO voice will probably have to remain unresolved, but what about those places where text simply is missing? If memory serves me correctly, there are also at least one or two places where the text dialogue can't keep up with the tempo of the audio. Seems to me it would be child's play to fix some of these flaws.
All in all there are many places with minor dialogue errors, "bugs" if you like. Should these be reported as bugs?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175

In theory, these should all be fixed. A while back, I went through all the subtitles, and corrected them all with respect to the spoken dialogue, as well as cleaning up a few "bad samples" that I came across. It sucked. It also took a long time to do. I submitted a series of mega-patches to coredev, but they've sat on them for one reason or another. (although to be fair, I think roughly half of the subtitles are now applied in current CVS, new timestamps, audio and comms bugfixes have been left alone)
If you've got a problem with the subtitles, make the appropriate whining noises at the appropriate volume in the appropriate places. Everything is in place to make this go away, it's simply a matter now of compelling someone who is able to fix it in CVS to do so.
"I’m not a robot like you. I don’t like having disks crammed into me… unless they’re Oreos, and then only in the mouth." --Fry
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