Topic: Aftermath (Read 104429 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 88
We come in peace.
Thanks for the comments guys, this is valuable feedback for me.
Lukipela: You're right...I need to update the instructions with better information on resource collection.
Miltazar: You're not doing anything wrong...the AI is still a little stupid. The problem is I can't make a different AI for each ship, because the ships can be customized. The AI has to analyze it's ship and decide what to do. I'll probably add something like: heavy nuke can only be fired at stationary targets...maybe even have explosions only do damage to enemy targets as well.
Shiver: Yeah, I noticed that bug too, but don't worry it's been fixed. That's a good point about wingmen attacking cargo ships...what I think I will do is have them attack only to a certain damage level...maybe 50%. As for the escape key, I'll throw in a confirmation window.
Part of the problem is that there is soooooo much stuff to add. The current version I'm playing has newly added hyperspace can only see what's in radar range of your starbases, fleets, and radar outposts. You will also be able to build refueling outposts around gas giants. However, enemy starbases send out occasional scout fleets. If a fleet finds an outpost then the base will launch an attack to destroy it.
I'm also in the process of changing the way I handle player death. When you first start you will pick a name. When you completely lose a fleet, instead of going back to the main menu like you do now you will be given a chance to make a new captain and continue playing. The old captain's name will go up on a killboard along with total kills, time and circumstances of death, etc... Kinda silly to have to reload all of the time. And sometimes your fleet gets in a situation where you can't make it back in one piece...maybe you run out of fuel.
Captain Madgap: Lost in Space. Feb 26, 2216
« Last Edit: May 15, 2004, 07:48:16 pm by Madgap »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175
I've got a couple of comments, mostly reiterating what was said before::
- Load/Save does not seem to work for me in the 0.60 release. I'm guessing I'm alone in this? Are the keys for it configurable in keys.ini?
- The AI is really, really dumb. I can't count the number of times my fleet of heavy cruisers popped into TrueSpace "right on top" of the enemy fleet, and some genius decides to launch a heavy nuke. Boom! Both fleets gone! Game over! And due to the above, I can't get around this by saving often. As a simple workaround, and for a touch of realism, might I suggest putting "fuses" on nukes and heavy nukes? e.g., fire a nuke, and if it impacts an object before a designated sleep time, it harmlessly plinks off the surface and doesn't detonate. This would have the side effect of forcing players to re-equip their ships with short-range weapons like blasters, etc. for close-quarters combat, which I think is a Good ThingTM
- When you construct a mining colony, and leave that star system, all of the minerals magically disappear. I figured it was because the mining colony harvested them all, but the results don't show up in your credit total. Are mines supposed to be a mechanism for introducing a "recurring revenue stream", or is this a more straightforward bug?
My current strategy is to buy three cruisers, establish the mines/resources necessary to build a heavy cruiser, then outfit the heavy cruiser with a nuke+heavy nuke+warp drive. Then I go convoy-raiding and starbase-killing with my single, arguably-overpowered ship. Pretty fun, but one mistake and I have to start all over again (because of the lack of load/save)
Do you have any plans to release the game as open-source, or otherwise enlist the help of others? Free is good, but open is better.
"I’m not a robot like you. I don’t like having disks crammed into me… unless they’re Oreos, and then only in the mouth." --Fry
I've got a couple of comments, mostly reiterating what was said before:: - Load/Save does not seem to work for me in the 0.60 release. I'm guessing I'm alone in this? Are the keys for it configurable in keys.ini?
I can save just fine. The keys can be edited and the file sort of tells you how. Save is F4, Load is F5. Only works in hyperspace.
I've got a lot of other suggestions but I don't want Madgap's head to burst like a baloon from all of them considering he's already in over his head on this thing.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2004, 02:32:23 am by Shiver »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134
Robot in Disguise
I like this game.
Madgap, would you please add a scroll option to the ship list, so it'll be able to manage more then 12 ships. Right now it's possible to buy as many as I'd like, but I can scroll down and equip the 13th+ ships.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 139
Cybernetic Experiment
Well, if your cargo is full of raw materials you dock with your starbase and your cargo should all be turned into credits.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 139
Cybernetic Experiment
You get them from mining the rich asteroids with the mining laser. You see the white cargo bar on the right filling up.
Frungy champion
Posts: 51
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i think you should be able to build mining bases that get you credits....
just a thought....
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 139
Cybernetic Experiment
There are other asteroid belts with minerals in them as far as I know, just not in every system.
Frungy champion
Posts: 88
We come in peace.
I'm uploading a new version as I type. No major new additions, but tons of smaller ones.
- Two new types of outposts (experimental): Sensor, and Refuel - Strategic level hyperspace radar...can't see any enemy fleets/starbases out of radar range. - Selling ships gives you the correct price, including any fuel lost. - Buy/Selling market resources works correctly. Once you build another starbase you can trade between them for a profit. (Very simple at the moment.) - Some other little touches...(like scroll arrows on the item lists).
Bug fixes (lots! Here are the main ones): - Resources don't dissapear when you leave a sector and then come back. - Ship AI improved. Your wingman wont attack a damage cargo you time to capture it. Ships armed with the Heavy Nuke (or any starbase destroying weapon) will behave more intelligently. They will seek out starbases first, if there are none on radar they will go after other ships, but only with anti-ship weapons. - Jumping to hyperspace as your ship is blowing up causing a crash has been fixed.
I put some comments in the keys.ini on the codes you can use for special keys...control, shift, numpad stuff.
I just thought of something, but I'll have to fix it later: Numpad plus and minus are hardcoded at the moment to radar you might not want to assign those to anything yet...
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 139
Cybernetic Experiment
Thanks a lot! Keep em coming!