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Author Topic: Aftermath  (Read 106228 times)
Deus Siddis
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« Reply #345 on: February 21, 2005, 08:39:45 am »

I don't think those are bugs, just features which have not yet been added. I just brought up the ammo limit on nukes, because I thought that was a feature which took away from the general balance and gameplay. With the laser, it might not need to be half as powerful against capital ships, because it is already very weak.

Perhaps an alternative, would be a system like this:

Say you have a fighter, a cruiser, and a dreadnaught. The fighter has 0 resistance, the cruiser has 1 and the dreadnaught has 2. Each resistance point will subtract one point of damage away from an attack.

Now you also have two weapons, the blastomatic and the womper. The blastomatic shoots shots which do 3 points of damage and it can fire every second. The womper does 5 points of damage per shot and can fire every 2 seconds.

So now you use the blastomatic for just under 2 seconds against the three types of ships:

Fighter: hit once 3-0 hit again 3-0 = 6 damage total

Cruiser: hit once 3-1 hit again 3-1 = 4 damaga total

Dreadnaught: hit once 3-2 hit again 3-2 = 2 damage total

And now you use the womper for just under 2 seconds:

Fighter: hit once 5-0 = 5 damage total

Cruiser: hit once 5-1 = 4 damage total

Dreadnaught: hit once 5-2 = 3 damage total

So, as you can see, the thicker armored craft are effected more by burst weapons, while lighter craft are effected more by rapid fire weapons.

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #346 on: February 22, 2005, 02:50:01 am »


BTW, Madgap, how's life in the working world?

It's awesome, couldn't be better.  In fact, I'd hardly even call it work.  Basically I get paid for what I'd be doing anyway. Smiley

I don't think those are bugs, just features which have not yet been added.

That's right, I just haven't gotten around to adding support for all of the current SC2 systems or making sure all of the ships work.  The data files for the weapons and ships are open if you want to change something yourself.  I should probably write up a HowTo guide or something.  For example: to change the nuke ammo to unlimited open the Systems/Nuke.weapon file, and change Ammo: to -1...that's unlimited ammo.

The AI probably wont be updated until after I finish all of the weapon systems.  Currently they don't know what all of the weapons do, so they don't know how to use them properly...especially the secondary weapons.

I converted the strategy portion of the game over from an SC2 style go anywhere map to a SC1 style starlane map.  I was hesitant before about the conversion, but the pathfinder was a lot easier to program than I thought it would be.

The starmap is setup so you can layout a map, save it, and then start running the strategy game (through the starmap).  You can order fleets to go to various stars, build bases, etc.  I'm going to implement some kind of simplified combat results calculation tonight along with some other tidbits to make it more of an actual 'game'.  I'll try to release something tomorrow, so that you can check it out and post feedback.  

The realtime combat isn't hooked up to the strategy portion and won't be until the strategic game is fun by itself.  Keep that in mind before you download if you are on a modem line.



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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #347 on: February 22, 2005, 03:48:31 am »

What do you mean by 'not hooked up to the strategy portion'? There's no combat involved in the strategic mode yet, or it isn't calculated at the same time?
Deus Siddis
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« Reply #348 on: February 22, 2005, 06:02:15 am »

Sounds like it will be very different from the current build.
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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #349 on: February 22, 2005, 06:36:46 am »

I just ran across a REALLY wierd glitch in .655 (I use that version because I like the scout more than any other ship, and it doesn't work in .67)

I was headed for an enemy system and got intercepted, and as soon as I came out of hyperspace, my ship got caught in a massive gravity well. I blew up the two ships and then looked at the gravity well: It was black, and strong enough that I couldn't escape from it. The meteor that I tried firing go sucked back in, even.

Has anyone else run across this? Is it intentional? Traveling black holes could be kind of cool... Tongue
Deus Siddis
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« Reply #350 on: February 22, 2005, 08:41:14 am »

I think if I stare at it long enough, it will start talking.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 08:42:09 am by Deus_Siddis » Logged
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« Reply #351 on: February 23, 2005, 02:09:46 am »

I suppose they would make a good sci fi alien species, wouldn't they? They are REALLY creepy looking! Grin
Deus Siddis
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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #352 on: February 23, 2005, 09:20:06 am »

I don't know, it's like a strange mix between creepy and cute. Come to think of it, it's a little like my cat.

Do you raise Fossas?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2005, 09:22:42 am by Deus_Siddis » Logged
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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #353 on: February 23, 2005, 09:21:32 am »

The slitted pupils are what keeps it from being entirely cute...
Mainly I think the name sounds cool, but they are pretty awesome.
You must have one strange cat.

Madgap, were going through New Release Withdrawal Syndrome here! Please give us more Aftermath!!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2005, 09:23:37 am by fossaman » Logged
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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #354 on: February 23, 2005, 02:53:41 pm »

more stuff:
1. sometimes shots pass the FRIED. It suppose to destory everything.
2. The razor blade is suppose to be stronger than the ur quan shot. (That is how it is in sc2 ) Meaning, if the razor blade hits it, the ur quan shot will be blocked and the razor will continue. In the second hit both will be blocked.

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #355 on: February 23, 2005, 08:35:14 pm »

To add to this off-topical nonsense, what exactly is a Fossa related to? Is it like a ferret, or something different?

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #356 on: February 24, 2005, 01:26:27 am »

Fossas are civets, they're related to mongooses more than anything else. There are about half a dozen other species of civets.

Deep-Jiffa, in UQM, at least, the blade is destroyed by the fusion bolt. The second blade cancels out the shot, not the other way around like you have it.

The auto laser and heavy auto laser should probably not be able to destroy blades, though.
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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #357 on: February 24, 2005, 01:47:18 am »

there is somewthing wrong with ilwrath ship
after some time it stops shooting a burst and only shoots single flame which is lethal for him coz all others have powerfull weapons. btw i dont hink AI is that bad if u try melee u will c that it is efficient: accurate and knows when to close on and when to keep distance. but since we are hu-mans Smiley we can beat it - its only a machine.
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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #358 on: February 24, 2005, 01:53:18 am »

The flamer goes out when you get damaged really heavily, when the green section of your health bar starts to go down. All the ships do this to a certain extent, but it's really noticeable with the Ilwrath.
Deus Siddis
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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #359 on: February 24, 2005, 07:28:06 am »

"To add to this off-topical nonsense"

Sorry, I was tired and didn't know I was posting in the Aftermath thread. I think I was seeing things. That, and the Fossa told me to do it.

I don't know why a blade should be able to go through a nuclear missile and keep on flying. I mean, they are both as powerful.
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