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Topic: game appears to be stuck on Mycon Organon issue (Read 1738 times)
While playing the game recently I was finished talking with Talana (a lenghthy conversation it was, speaking in tongues and all that) and headed out to tell the Mycon about Organon so they can leave and I get the sun device. I met with some of their ships and I wasn't given the option to tell them about Organon, so I went to Beta Brahe and told them there about it, but I was just told to leave. I looked around to see if anyone had left the area afterwards, but no. So I went back to the planet and they were still there... I left the system, monkeyed around, and still no mycon movement. Am I missing something?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 170

Shofixti Scoutmaster
You have to go to their homeworld, Beta Brahe is not the mycon homeworld but it is one of their *special places*.
I'll give you a hint; The Scorpii Constellation
Now I will give you the absolute spoiler. Ignore if you dont want to know too much
/////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// //////SPOILER ALERT!/////// //////Epsilon Scorpii 1/////// /////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////
Captain Smith
This is not so much of a spoiler since this is a recognized problem and difference. The Mycon outright tell you what was posted above in the PC version, but was dropped out of the 3DO/UQM version for some reason. Lots of useful dialogue was dropped.
This is all over the FAQ threads too.
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