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Author Topic: keys.cfg ineffective ?  (Read 2855 times)

keys.cfg ineffective ?
« on: May 09, 2004, 02:01:57 am »

i have searched forums,google, project sites to no avail.

keys.cfg is ineffective. no modification i do in it is carried to the game. i have even deleted it, but game just creates another when started.

somebody help.

Re: keys.cfg ineffective ?
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2004, 02:54:31 am »

that darnedst thing !!!

i had to go manually over 6 history pages of this forum to find this :

Version 0.2 creates keys.cfg, but it doesn't use it.
You'll need to edit starcon.key (in the content directory) instead.
I don't recomend using '-n' on the Windows build.

it seems this forum scripts search function doesnt work well. it have not been able to find keys.cfg string effectively.
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Re: keys.cfg ineffective ?
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2004, 03:08:10 am »

C:\Documents and Settings\"*"\Application Data\uqm

must have folder options set to SHOW hidden files.

*="user account"... everybody's is different

in the uqm folder is the keys.cfg
open this with notepad and edit the keys or gamepad to your liking. hope this helps.


Re: keys.cfg ineffective ?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2004, 05:41:32 am »

no no

it is really ineffective.

this is the newest version of uqm and there are no documents and settings dir.

also keys.cfg is really not used.

i have gone to edit starcon.key in content dir and it worked.
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Re: keys.cfg ineffective ?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2004, 09:22:05 am »

i take it your not using windows xp? thats where you find documens and settings. its has nothing to do with ur-quan masters folder in program files.

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Re: keys.cfg ineffective ?
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2004, 04:40:35 pm »

The bug between the keys.cfg and starcon.key file is rather old, it was fixed in the CVS a long time ago (and the l0.3 version doesn't have the bug). Anyways, for future notes, in the manual:

These controls are configurable by editing the keys.cfg file which will
be automatically generated in your personal directory for uqm data the
first time you start the game.
The location of this directory varies per system.
On Microsoft Windows systems this is a folder named 'uqm' in the
application data folder for the current user.
This is usually in one of the following locations:
- "C:\Windows\Application Data\"
 (Windows 95, 98, SE without separate users)
- "C:\Windows\Profiles\YourName\Application Data\"
 (Windows 95/98/SE with separate users)
- "C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Application Data\"
 (Windows NT/2k/XP)
On Unix systems this personal uqm data is stored in "~/.uqm".

Later versions of The Ur-Quan Masters will include a key configuration
tool.  In the meantime, the keys.cfg has a bunch of comments in it
that should help you set up your joystick and remap key controls to
your satisfaction.
Hiro Antagonist

Re: keys.cfg ineffective ?
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2004, 06:00:08 am »

I'm having a problem with they Keys.cfg file.  Here's what I'm getting:

I didn't understand a single line in your configuration file.
This is likely because you're still using a 0.2 era or earlier keys.cfg.

The control scheme for UQM has changed since you last updated keys.cfg.
(I'm using control scheme version 1, while your config file appears to be
for version 0.)

Renaming keys.cfg to keys.old and retrying.
Copying default key config file to user config dir.
VControl: Expected ':' on config file line 1
1 errors encountered in key configuration file.

I didn't understand a single line in your configuration file.
This is likely because you're still using a 0.2 era or earlier keys.cfg.

The control scheme for UQM has changed since you last updated keys.cfg.
(I'm using control scheme version 1, while your config file appears to be
for version 0.)

Renaming keys.cfg to keys.old and retrying.
Error: Something went wrong and we were looping again and again so aborting.
Possible cause is your content dir not being up-to-date.

I used to have v0.2 installed (I think), and then upgraded to v0.3.  Now I get this error.  

It seems like the simplist solution would be for me to just get a flat, standard, v0.3 keys.cfg file.  Anyone know where I can get one?

(btw -- when I look in the XP folder where keys.cfg shoudl go, there is a keys.old but no keys.cfg.  When I look at keys.old, all it has in it is:
That obviously doesn't seem right.  When I delete the keys.old and run again, it just gives me the same error and produces another identical keys.old.)


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Re: keys.cfg ineffective ?
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2004, 09:43:18 pm »

This is the file:*checkout*/sc2/sc2/content/starcon.key. Rename it to keys.cfg.


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