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Author Topic: colors and mining  (Read 6258 times)
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Zebranky food
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colors and mining
« on: December 06, 2002, 01:51:06 am »

It might be too late to mention this, apologies if it is, but I was only reminded of it for my lack of a lander cheat...

Would it be possible to differentiate the mineral colors more?  It can be tough distinguishing between common and noble gases, as well as between corrosives and radioactives.  

Possibly inverse-shade one from each set-- i.e., instead of having the perimeter of the circle dark and the middle bright, have the perimeter bright and the center dark.  That would give a solution that doesn't require adjusting the original color palette.

Thank ya.
Zebranky food
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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2002, 05:07:13 am »

Hmmm...I always thought they had done that on purpose. Making it difficult to differentiate between radio-actives and corrosives on the backdrop of a radio-active world, as a form of game-play.

After the lander carrying capacity upgrade I always took it all :-)

I could be wrong of course.
the grand fot
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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2002, 01:25:17 am »

Hmmm... that didn't occur to me.  I always thought it was just a matter of the limitations of a 256-color palette.  Is there anyone who can tell one way or the other?

I m'self hope that the original game designers wouldn't penalize the player for not having an interior decorator's eye for color.
Zebranky food
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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2002, 09:30:51 am »

Actually, I don't have much of a problem distinguishing them.

Here are the only ones that confuse me sometimes:

Commons appear as a bluish-white (Cyan)
Corrosives appear as dark red to me (Red)
Base Metals appear as grey, darker that Commons (Grey)
Radioactives appear as orange-red to me, and lighter than the corrosives (Orange).

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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2002, 09:38:13 am »

Why are the colors a big deal to you? I've always played the game were I collect anything and everything off planets without bothering to worry about which metal is which (they all give you RUs).
Dave Morse

Re: colors and mining
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2002, 12:01:57 pm »

Because mining is boring as sh*t and you can cut the number of drops you have to make by a factor of 25 by knowing which worlds to mine.
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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2002, 12:15:55 pm »

Well if you say so, but I'd figure if you fly all the way out to the world, you're just going to waste time having to fly to another only to find that one isn't what you want.
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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2002, 01:59:25 pm »

Even though this is a sidenote to the intended thrust of the article - has anyone else noticed that those tiny white star systems are just CRAMMED with resources ?  Especially the ones in Yehat space.  Love those things.

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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2002, 03:23:57 pm »

I don't find it hard to notice commons. When I spot a dark purple planet, if it isn't a pellucid world with that one Tzo Crystals, I'll leave it. In noble worlds the commons a re usually very small dots, so no problem noticing the larger nobles.

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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2002, 02:26:05 am »

Mmm.. anyone else finding amusing that as the leader of the free worlds the first thing you do upon entering a star system is descend upon the planets, pillage their mineral resources and package all the indigenous life into little glowing stasis boxes?
Zebranky food
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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2002, 09:37:36 pm »

Being fairly new to the game and enjoying it completely I find mining to be time comsuming and dangerious to start.  Are there any suggestions for what and where to mine in the beginning of the game?
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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2002, 09:19:56 am »

At the begining of the game the commander gives a tip on wich worlds have the best minerals. went something like verry yummy oranges ... i duno .. anyone?

was something else?
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Re: colors and mining
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2002, 12:14:02 pm »

At the begining of the game the commander gives a tip on wich worlds have the best minerals. went something like verry yummy oranges ... i duno .. anyone?

was something else?

I have it written down ... not the mnemonic, but the letter order went like this:

Which I took to mean: (good to bad)

And stars went from: (Cold to Hot)

But, I never really found any of that to be of much help at all because ruby worlds are red and so are radioactive worlds.  You just have to hit every moon and planet in a system and scan it because you never know.  Plus bios could be almost anywhere!

But, worlds that are almost always good:
Pellucid (that one Tzo Crystal!)
Radioactive (guess!)
Treasure (yellows - precious)
Auric (yellows)
Lanthanide (greens - rare earth)
Metal (mix)
Noble ( nobles including helium which is common which I leave)
Opalescent ( noble I think)
Rainbow (rads)

I think what is important to pay attention to is the gravity level which I think if multiplied by 2 will give fuel consumption for the trip.  Of course if you just choose landing, it'll tell you.  Why would you land on a world filled with commons that has close to 2 fuel usage?  If 1 unit of fuel costs 20, then the max amount of commons you could possibly grab in one trip is 50.
50-40=10 RUs in your favor.
Is that even worth the trip?!  More likely you won't even fill the entire shuttle ... what a waste that was!

I disagree with landing on EVERY planet (unless there are Bios) if it's just not worth the fuel cost.  I mean, I would NEVER land on a world full of commons or corrosives, unless I was REALLY desperate (like early in the game) and the gravity was SO LOW, it didn't matter.

In fact, if I am running out of storage room on my ship and I have a good amount of fuel to still get home, I will start dumping commons if the planet I am looking at has something exceptionally better, which for me is basically Nobles and up.  The way I figure it, dragging those commons home isn't worth the fuel.  If it's exotics I see and I've dumped all my commons already, you better believe those corrosives are going!  But, I won't dump base metal until later on when I'm really looking to just max out my payout to upgrade my ship into a flying nightmare.

Just remember that one shuttle can hold 50 minerals (unless upgraded) and that depending on the size of the mineral, the average medium (I would call common) sized mineral maxes out at about 20 units.  There is nothing I hate more than having only a few spaces left in the shuttle and accidentally picking up a potential 20.  What a waste!

This is part of the strategy of the game.  Blinding grabbing everything I think is not playing very strategically.  While playing this alpha, I decided to not pick up anything below nobles after my first trip out of my system unless the cost of fuel was SO tiny.  Now, yes, it helps that I've played this before and I know what to expect and YES, I save before I land on ANY hostile planet, but even by staying within a few the systems around Earth, I was able to get a fairly good jump on improving my ship fast, adding about 4 or 5 extra holds, plus fuel tanks, and then cleaning out noble or better on safe or fairly safe worlds in systems a little further away.

I didn't find many bios early, which is annoying, so I just went to the rainbow worlds (I remembered their general locations) and got the upgrades.

I don't recommend that though for first time players.  First of all, you should have no idea where these worlds are in the beginning and REALLY, don't go ruining it by looking them up somewhere.  It is such a satisfaction to find your first one and then after finding a few, figuring out how to find the rest.  The discovery was SO enjoyable the first time I played this game.  Do yourself a favor, don't ruin it.  Secondly, you'll need some of the Melnorme's info for clues to solve problems.  Although the tech is tempting up front, the info is so much cheaper that buying a few every once in a while will help you immensely, especially in enjoying the game.  I think I can speak for a lot of people that the Melnorme is one of their favorite parts of the game.  Even his music has that catchy drum beat.

The only other things to weigh in to mineral and bio gathering are the lightning, earthquake and temperature levels of a world.  Is it worth the potential risk of crew and even shuttle?  A 2 or lower for lightning or earhtquakes is safe.  For temperature (which is in celsius for the benefit of all us metrically challenged Americans) is usually safe if it is below 100 degrees.  I don't know the exact temp at which fire storms appear, but if you see temps in the middle 100s and up, plan to get cooked!  Landing on a world in the 1000s with no shields ... you're either crazy or dead.  I've done it for massive exotics, but I saved.  Sometimes you're lucky and snatch it unscathed, but more often that shuttle explodes the second it touches the ground.

This is why the techs from the Melnorme are SO important early.  Like they told you in school, you NEED to be protected.  Once you have the shields, gathering is easy.  Sure, someone will occasionally stick their hands out the window, like the Melnorme said, and die, but for the most part, you can fly around level 8 ( the highest I know of) earthquake and lightning worlds with minimal loss of crew.

One thing I just noticed for the first time that I completely missed (or forgotten about) is that the color of the planet's orbit can tell you if the world will be hot, moderate or cold.

Orange orbits are usually found around giant stars (the Melnorme ones) and you can plan on firestorms everywhere.  The nice thing about ultra hot worlds is that the minerals tend to be HUGE!  I would sometimes risk a few seconds drop on dangerous world early in the game, if I could snag a massive Rad. or Exotic.  The problem is you risk losing your only shuttle, so SAVE!  Unless you really enjoy heading back to the station and begging for a replacement if you don't have the RUs.

Green orbits tend to be the ones with Earth-like temperatures.  I never bothered to look into this, but I wonder if you are more likely to find life on a world within this "habital zone"

Light blue and dark blue orbits are cold.  There is absolutely no fear of firestorms, that I know of.

I think the creators intended that some of the best worlds for finding little or no dangers to your crew and TONS of great minerals are within enemy circles of influence, like mentioned in that earlier post by Azarule about Yehat systems.  That's the catch ... you have to get there safe first.  I recall Ilwrath (although I will always refer to them as the Dill-rats) space having good systems like these.

Also, I think systems very far away from Sol tend to be better, but by the time I reach those, I really don't care about RUs anymore, so I may be wrong.

While its common to find a lot of systems that are a complete waste of fuel, or only worth it for one or two planets, some are just jam packed, like Zeta Volantis.  The only catch is, it's all hot.  I recall there being a few systems that are just a menagerie of life on almost every world.

Of course, once you have enough RUs and you've gotten all the Melnorme tech, you can refit your ship into a war machine.  Since RUs come from destroyed ships, you can always make enough by hunting to keep you fueled up and crewed, with plenty of support ships.  There's nothing quite like entering a system filled with Ur-Quan Dreadnaughts and leaving without an Ur-Quan left to threaten any one.

Those occasional discoveries of windfalls on cool, calm, quiet worlds filled with shuttleloads of Exotics and Rads are always the ones that make you scream with excitement, "YES!"

And remember:
Try to avoid getting gruesomely killed, Captain.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2002, 12:24:18 pm by PsiPhi » Logged
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