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Topic: Thank You! (Read 3755 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
At the beginning of the (college) year, my friend bought a WinXp laptop so he could use it in Computer Science lectures. About this time, I discovered UQM. Before this, I'd only been able to play SC2 on my DOS box at home. After many cries of "SC is the best game ever!", he eventually let me install it on the laptop.
One day when we were playing Super-Melee over lunch, more and more of our friends started asking if they could have a go. It's got to the stage where most of our year (about 100+) can spend our Computer Science lectures watching Super-Melee (we sit down the front of the hall) Thank you so much for bringing SC2 to XP, and making our lectures that little bit brighter. 
Jim Broadhead (Junior Freshman Engineer)
I'm not on the core team in the literal sense, but they're very busy so I'll address these numerous "thankyou" posts and pretend I have the authority to speak in their place for the time being.
You're welcome.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2004, 07:57:23 am by Shiver »
I just want to second that. This is one of the best games i have ever played in my life - and i played a lot. Together with the two starflight games and perhaps solar winds, this one is THE space opera game. To bad games like that one are not made anymore - well there are only a few in existence however. I am happy that you put so much efford in creating an overhauled version of this game (having only experienced the PC version - the 3DO voice rox ^^).
To bad there is no game that randomizes a galaxy every new session, clutching together a glaxy out of a huge library of quests/riddles and races. Well of course the story couldn't be as good as in this case i guess... but i am missing the point. Thanks.
If you are done with this reconstruction process i hope you carry it further and come up with a new, own game in the same spirit. Good luck in any case, great work.
Aw shucks, you're all too kind.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8

I just discovered this place within the last 2 weeks and it's been one of my most nostalgic experiences ever (as I've said in another post) so yeah, big thanks to all who brought me back my childhood.
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

It's still alpha, expect some crashes.
That said, there were several pretty insidious crash bugs that were fixed a month or so after the 0.3 release. You should see if using the latest executable (linked off the frontpage) solves those.
I haven't had the ability to play through the whole game in a single session, but I have in fact played to the end of the game without lockups in 0.31.
(And played to the end of the game in all versions - though 0.1 wasn't beatable by normal means!)
Could we change Shivers title to "official Greeter" Or some such? Methinks that'd be amusing.
The White Lotus is good enough for Pai Mei, and therefore probably too good for me.
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