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Author Topic: Ur-Quan won't run anymore - mac os x  (Read 1910 times)
Jeremy Arsenault

Ur-Quan won't run anymore - mac os x
« on: June 04, 2004, 05:10:02 am »

   I was succesfully running Ur-Quan Masters for about a week on a 1ghz emac running os x 10.3.4.  I was playing Ur-Quan Masters and was just getting into it when I had to quit.  When I tried to restart later it wouldn't run.  The launcher would open and when I clicked on launch nothing happened.  I checked the console and got this error message:

Host Name:      Anne-s-Computer.local
Date/Time:      2004-06-03 18:55:14 -0400
OS Version:     10.3.4 (Build 7H63)
Report Version: 2

Command: uqm
Path:    /Applications/The Ur-Quan
Version: Huh (Huh)
PID:     511
Thread:  Unknown

Link (dyld) error:

dyld: /Applications/The Ur-Quan can't open library: /usr/local/lib/libvorbisfile.3.dylib  (No such file or directory, errno = 2)

  I've tried almost everything possible including re-installing the program as well as copy the appropriate sdl libraries to the locations ther error message says there not in, everytime I do this the error message just changes to a different lib or a different location.  any insight would be much appreciated.
Jeremy Arsenault

Re: Ur-Quan won't run anymore - mac os x
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2004, 07:47:02 am »

  Well after working on it for a while longer I have managed to get it to work.  I realised that the last thing I did before it stopped working was change the voice volume in the launcher, when I changed that back to full it ran fine.  I tried lowering it in the launch utility again and it wouldn't work again.  So it seems the volume has to be full or it points to invalid locations for the sdl library.


Re: Ur-Quan won't run anymore - mac os x
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2004, 08:04:29 am »

There would be two reasons why you would be getting that manner of error, either you've lost the libraries, or the launcher is unable to find them.

To find out if it's the former, right-click on the application, and choose "Show Package Contents".  Then browse to Contents:Resources:lib Inside that folder should be the following files:


If they're all there, then you're all set.  If not, you should be able to pull them out of the installer image.

The latter case may be proven by looking at the contents of the file /tmp/uqm.out, although if it's failing to link, I doubt there will be anything useful in there.  If you're running the 0.3 alpha release, I strongly recommend getting the "unofficial updates" to the game binary and launcher here:

...then again, I'm a little biased.  Wink  The updates have a number of bugfixes in them, and may correct your problem automagically.

Re: Ur-Quan won't run anymore - mac os x
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2004, 08:07:08 am »

I realised that the last thing I did before it stopped working was change the voice volume in the launcher, when I changed that back to full it ran fine.

This is a known issue in the launcher released with 0.3, install the 0.32 update and new launcher to get that functionality.
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