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Author Topic: Time limit extending cheat/editor/anything ??  (Read 4238 times)
Zebranky food
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Time limit extending cheat/editor/anything ??
« on: June 12, 2004, 12:34:48 am »

I'm sorry if this has alredy been discussed, but I couldn't find a solution on the last... 15 pages.
I'd like to enjoy exploring the game without the constant time preasure, so I'm looking for a way to extend the time limit for another... let's say 100 yeares Grin.  So, if annyone knows where to download an editor or knows a way to edit the game manualy, PLEASE enlighten me.
PS. Pardon my English
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Re: Time limit extending cheat/editor/anything ??
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2004, 12:44:09 am »

There is one gameplay solution that lets you extend the time available by about a year. I'd recommend you look through one of the guides at PONAF for that. Failing that, some friendly forumite will be sure to help you if you ask. As far as I know, noone has ever changed the source to extend them time limit by any amount, so I can't say for sure if ti's possible or not.

Perhaps one fo our resident computer masters would care to lend their voice?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2004, 12:44:27 am by Lukipela » Logged

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Zebranky food
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Re: Time limit extending cheat/editor/anything ??
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2004, 01:01:15 am »

Thanx, I know that trick, I was hoping for something more... I'm hoping those UGM gurus are reading this...
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Re: Time limit extending cheat/editor/anything ??
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2004, 07:49:14 am »

Editing the saved game by hand (with a hex editor) is not really an option as the relevant data in the saved game is compressed. It should be possible to write a savegame editor, which would have to replicate the way the savegame is loaded from the game.

It is however not very hard to edit the source to give you more time. But that means you have to recompile the source yourself. I don't know whether you have the skills and tools to do that. If not, maybe someone else could do it for you.
This is what has to be done:
- edit src/sc2code/globdata.h, and edit the line saying '#define YEARS_TO_KOHRAH_VICTORY 4', by replacing the 4 by however many years you want (excluding the extra year you get for the Utwig mission). Races in the game will think you've got this many years now, but the Kohr-Ah victory has already been scheduled, and the date is saved in your saved game, so this will only help for new games. If you want to change this date, you'll need to make the following modification (in addition to this one):
- edit src/sc2code/load.c, and insert before the line saying "UnlockEvent (hEvent);" the following lines:
               if (EventPtr->func_index == KOHR_AH_VICTORIOUS_EVENT) {
                   UnlockEvent (hEvent);
                   FreeEvent (hEvent);
Then leave the lines after that alone that say
               UnlockEvent (hEvent);
               PutEvent (hEvent);
and then add:
These first section of code added makes sure the event from the savegame is not loaded, and the second section adds the event to be triggered when you want it. (I couldn't just modify the event from the saved game, as the queue should always be sorted on date).

If you're already in the extension time this won't work; the event for the destruction of the first race is already scheduled. Something similar can be done for that, but let's see if this is enough for your purposes first.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2004, 07:51:04 am by meep-eep » Logged

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Zebranky food
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Re: Time limit extending cheat/editor/anything ??
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2004, 08:03:56 pm »

Thank you, meep-eep, but you were right, I have no clue how should i recompile the sorce  Cry . Anny sugestions on how could I get my hands on a recompiled version?
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Re: Time limit extending cheat/editor/anything ??
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2004, 09:12:09 pm »

Ask people here. I'm personal on Linux so I won't be of any help.

“When Juffo-Wup is complete
when at last there is no Void, no Non
when the Creators return
then we can finally rest.”
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