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Topic: My Next Challenge (Read 7017 times)
Captain Smith
Where I'm at with super-melee, I usually try to make challenges for myself to try to complete...My last one was beating the 300 pt armada on awesome with both of the 100 point next one was interesting enough I thought I'd share it...
I'm thinking about finding out how many ships that can complete this one...
Beat all 4 capital ships (Ur-Quan, Kohr-Ah, Chenjesu, Chmmr) with just one ship. I know I have at least two that I can do the feat with, and it'll be interesting to see how many more can handle it.
Always got to look for a challenge, I say.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8

try the androsynth - they're surprisingly good against the ur-quan, but you'll have to practice ramming to get the chmmr and kohr-ah.
don't underestimate the bubbles.
edit: oh yeah, and try killing stuff with a slylandro. it takes a lot of practice to get it down.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2004, 06:00:47 pm by denkc »
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
It is pretty easy to take down the chmmr with a andy. Simply catch yourself in the wings it has and voila! - One dead chmmr with the Andy flying safely out of the scene with still over half its health left.
I have a better challenge: Use a Syreen Penetrator to kill 14 various ships, no using the same enemy twice. Leave the 30 point heavies and the Arilou out of this match as they will trash you regardless of how many crew you have. Make sure a Chenjesu is in the enemy fleet however, that's the "boss" you're trying to bring down. You'll be surprised how much ass you'll end up kicking even if you don't win this challenge.
I'm not sure how Utwig, Yehat, or Slylandro can play into this yet. Feel free to replace the Chenjesu with one of these if you feel like experimenting.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2004, 01:16:21 am by Shiver »
I'm thinking about finding out how many ships that can complete this one...
Beat all 4 capital ships (Ur-Quan, Kohr-Ah, Chenjesu, Chmmr) with just one ship. I know I have at least two that I can do the feat with, and it'll be interesting to see how many more can handle it.
At first glance I wasn't much interested in this, but I just tried it out just now.
Like has already been hinted, I guarantee that the Utwig and Thraddash can win this challenge. The Chenjesu is what makes it hard. Thraddash vs. Chenjesu is like a 30 minute fight that I've won previously and Utwig vs. Chenjesu goes pretty fast but you'll almost never win. So anyway, I attempted something different. I beat the four with my pride and joy, the Orz Nemesis. I lost the first time due to some mishap with an asteroid, but here's how it went the second time:
Chenjesu: Easy as pie. Just flood him with marines from a direction he isn't facing (and you shouldn't ever let him face you anyway) and he'll go down.
Kohr-Ah: I had 14 marines at this point. I used my regular anti-Kohr-Ah strategy of provoking him into wasting his battery from far away, then dropping 2 marines at a time from mid distance. I ended up with 8 at the end.
Ur-Quan: Didn't even use marines here. Just flew around and shot at his fighters until they were all gone, then got in a few well-placed shots. I think I bumped the planet though and got dropped to 6 crew, which is what I ended the whole match with.
Chmmr: Flawless victory.
Posts: 627

Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep.
well, just one objection 
.. Utwig vs. Chenjesu goes pretty fast but you'll almost never win ..
what are you talking about
you just fly in towards the Broodhome - it shoots at you but your shield holds - then it loses all its energy where in this part you just: shootx2, shieldx1 (vessel fires at you, direct hit) as many times as needed.
this procedure words for the Chenjesu, Ur-Quan, Kohr-Ah (very easy!), Yehat, and a couple more of the aggressive ones.
oh the Ilwarth startegy is easy, can be used with any ship, except Arilou maybe - you fly in close and make your velocity the same, flying in the same direction. at this point you'll be zoomed as close as possible, drifiting - just turn your nozzle around and keep firing till the Ilwarth's cloaking device goes permanent 
« Last Edit: June 21, 2004, 03:53:59 am by Censored »
"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid? Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
Zebranky food

Posts: 34

my personal favorite challenge
take out 2 or more ur-quans, depending on how gutsy you feel, with 1 shofixti
it's good fun, and more often than not I get my azz handed to me
give that a try and let me know how you do
Well, you should know that I'm far from an expert with the Utwig Jugger. Those DOGI's usually got me bad. I'm going to fiddle around with variations of what's currently posted in here for a while, but I think I might make up a new one with a Mycon since they can regenerate crew and therefore have staying power like the Syreen.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2004, 04:15:37 am by Shiver »
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
If the chmmr were smart they would keep the doogies on a Avartar and attach a shofixti blaz of glory to it.
Captain Smith
Great! How many others can you do it with (i.e. "I'm thinking about finding out how many ships that can complete this one... ")? That's kind of the point I was thinking, not if you can pick a ship to do it with...
Utwig, Supox, Orz, Thraddash are the ones I've done it with so far since I several that I'm up to 3 of 4 on...
Going to have to try the Syreen thing sometime.
I completed the challenge this afternoon, using the Utwig. It took all of two attempts (the first time I lost my energy too early on).
Zebranky food

Posts: 8

the hardest one to kill with the androsynth is the chenjesu; i think the strategy with him is to practice the ramming early on.
edit: check that, kohr-ah is the hardest.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2004, 11:10:03 am by denkc »
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