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Topic: black spathi? (Read 13979 times)
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Posts: 139

Cybernetic Experiment
Well, it kinda does when you can percieve things on another planet then you can argue that your consciousness it in fact there... right? Ok ok its a stretch 
So now you have not one or two, but many different methods which people can see as ridiculous. If the concepts seem so ridiculous, why would a person who thinks that even play Ur-Quan? I mean, if you can't accept how the story works, I doubt you'd enjoy game. The game will break laws of the universe, even laws we haven't discovered yet. No one really cares, as long as it's fun.
You also say that people "can see [the methods] as ridiculous". People believe all different sorts of things about space and technology. There's no way you can please everyone. Not until mankind really discovers some sort of useful spaceflight, and that's not going to happen for a while. But, arguing against something because there could possibly be a dissagreement is foolish. There'll always be a disagreement. It's an important part of refining the explanations. 
Back to alien space tech: Well, alot of the technology that spacefaring races have is most likely because of the precursor artifacts lying around everywhere. I bet that most of the space technology the races have is somehow related to the sentient mileu. Some of the mileu may have different tech, since they were more isolated at the start, and able to develop it on their own. And that tech would be passed on to the races that were the closest to those mileu.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Add **HYUIVBHJHG** to the list. Orz seems to think it's faster than flying the *heavy* ship.
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
If the concepts seem so ridiculous, why would a person who thinks that even play Ur-Quan? I mean, if you can't accept how the story works, I doubt you'd enjoy game. The game will break laws of the universe, even laws we haven't discovered yet. No one really cares, as long as it's fun.
You're missing the point. I think one of the reasons SC2 is so great is that while the creators try not to be inconsistent, they don't let realism get in the way of the fun of the game. But that was not the point I was making.
When I see some strange implausible concept in a game or movie, I may raise my eyebrows or laugh about it for a moment, and then I go on. It's a small negative point if you're supposed to take it seriously. But then if you keep going from one flaw to the next, those negative points add up. That's not really a problem if the game or movie isn't really about those concepts and the rest is ok. But if these concepts have no purpose to the game or movie, then why not leave them out altogether? That was the point I was trying to make. Why have 10 different explanations at which people may raise their eyebrows when 1 or 2 would be enough. Keep the best ones and throw away the others, I'd say. More isn't necessarilly better.
It's another matter if you're going for the absurd humour, where the concept isn't to be taken seriously in the first place. Take the Infinite Improbability Drive for instance. The sillier the better.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2004, 06:47:17 am by meep-eep »
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
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Posts: 139

Cybernetic Experiment
The problem with me is I am obsessed with details  That is why my stories have millions of years of history, a lot of supporting characters, different cultures and motivations for every faction, every machine is designed right up to the last bolt, and yet... everything connects  This also means that every faction has a different approach to technology (some even use magic, so hey), has different strengths and weaknesses and therefore totally different sollutions to the same problem, hence the different forms of interstellar travel. Oh yea and ofcourse there's the equally detailed designs of alien physiology. No simple carbon / DNA based lifeforms for all, like in most sci-fi 
« Last Edit: June 25, 2004, 12:34:26 pm by ChainiaC »
This sounds sooo interesting! Could someone tel me more about this 'maek 2'-thing, and of course Orz's pretty space portal? Can you go there and where itis?
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Just curious, have you played the game?
Yes i have played it, though not yet haven't sucesfully finished it...
Actually I don't think most spacefaring races use Precursor technology; most of them discovered Hyperspace travel first and then started noticing all the Precursor artifacts around. After all, without Hyperspace it'd be impossible for them to even leave their own star system.
Precursor tech is supposed to be puzzling, hard to find and usually hard to find any use for (hence the excitement when they found an actual functional Precursor ship) and the artifacts in Star Control 1 probably only work because the races have been working on learning to use them for some time.
Luckily, we don't need to explain how or why we ended up discovering hyperjump engines, because they're one of the things the Humans got ready-made from the Chenjesu in return for assistance during the war. The secret of hyperjump appears to be well-known enough that almost all races seem to discover it early in their "Atomic Age" (hence they refer to planetbound civilizations as "pre-atomic savagery") and the Chenjesu seem to have assumed that Humans would've discovered it relatively soon (hence the Yehat don't consider the Humans as having been in any way "uplifted" and respect them as a natural race).
After all, if Hyperspace were something difficult and hard to discover, it'd make the known universe a whole lot less interesting and less teeming with spacefaring life.
There was an interesting theory I remember a while back about Hyperspace being a creation of the Precursors way *way* back in order to facilitate interstellar travel. It is awfully convenient, when you think about it. It would also explain how Hyperspace can just disappear or break apart or whatever Dimensional Fatigue did to it in SC3, and explain how come only the Precursors had ever invented Warp Bubble technology.
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