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Author Topic: How about the REAL starcon3?  (Read 6451 times)
Zebranky food
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How about the REAL starcon3?
« on: July 12, 2004, 06:26:14 pm »

I'm just wondering. Does anyone know whether the authors are planning to make the REAL Starcon3? I'm not interested if the original people are not involved, as is the case with that imitasion, star control 3. Tipical of the times, gameplay was sacrificed on the altar of good graphics.  At the very least, the original authors must write the story line, otherwise it'll be just another imitasion.
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2004, 09:05:18 pm »

It doesnt actually have to be written by FF and PR3 for the story to be good. Other people are capable of writing good story, and I'm sure they are capable of writing crap.

But to answer your question, nope, but they are working on something new. Cheesy

Sander Scamper
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2004, 10:31:29 pm »

In some cases, you may be correct, but consider this.
Throughout the entire game, little points al  stack up in the sight of a sequel. TFB wouldn't have spent so much extra effort putting these neat little unanswered questions without some great answers.
In some cases, we may have guessed, or speculated, far far beyong what it actually portrays in the hints.

But what about other such twists? Who could have conjectured to the amazing story behind the Ur-Quan? I sure couldn't have.

It takes someone who is extremely familiar, with a clear goal and percieved knowledge of the universe they are writing in, to make a compelling, closure giving finish.

The answer will only come with time, and I'm sure that in some ways we will ALWAYS be disappointed.
Nothing is perfect. (timewarp?)

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Zebranky food
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2004, 09:19:39 pm »

If I may, I'd like to compare Starcontrol with the unfinnished cathedral in Barcalona. The (briliant) architect died before it's completion. Since then, many people wanted to complete the cathedral, but their attempts just doesn't add up. Why? Because the original architect had the completed idea in his head, and any attempt to complete it will deviate from the original plan.

Many people can write many sequals to SC2. Maybe even better than the original authors. But only the original authors has the original big idea. Only they truly knows what should've followed. The work of anyone else is mere guess work.

Furthermore, the new ships in SC3 does not come close to the creativeness of the new ships in SC2. The same goes for the new aliens. The fact that you can no longer navigate freely between stars and planets was a step backwards. Many aliens look too humanoid, even some of the originals. Actually, I prefer the poorer graphics, because it leaves some space for the imagination. SC3 should've build on the look and feel of SC2, aspecially when it comes to navigation. How boring is it to click on a planet, and then sit back and watch your ship moves on its own.

SC3 had a good story, and I don't regret playing it. But unlike SC2, I will never feel the need to play SC3 ever again.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2004, 09:21:30 pm by hanno » Logged
Sander Scamper
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2004, 09:28:37 pm »

Its back from the dead!

Seriously, though, i agree with hanno.
The game mechanics simply dont need amazing eye candy, unlike some new games like Thief 3 : Deadly Shadows. (playing it obsessively, sorry =p)
In that game, the graphics need to be amazing to convey immersion, and effective dark/light shading to complement stealthy gameplay.
SC2 does not.
Personally, i think that the current ships, bright and colourful as they are, are terrific.

Also, what species in SC2 were humanoid??

The Syreen are, but thats actually a plot intruige, not a given.
the Druuge are, in the BROADEST category, but I sure didn't notice it.
The Utwig might be (we only see a mask).
The shofixti are humanoid but so alien in appearance it doesnt matter.

Wow, just made me realise how cool it is that SC2 doesnt follow the standard Sci-Fi mode of make aliens alien...but not TOO alien!

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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2004, 11:08:54 pm »

The aftermath is worth playing over and over - And it is sort of/could be a Star control 3/4/5.
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2004, 11:44:41 pm »

The Thraddash are kind of humanoid too arent they? Not the head ofcourse but the arms sure look humanoid.
Oh and the Arilou ofcourse.
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2004, 01:07:36 am »

VUX. Two legs and two... tentacles. Is that huminoid?

Sander Scamper
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2004, 03:37:27 pm »

I DID write that post approximately 3 am, so =p

Yes, the Thraddash are Humanoid, but you sure dont notice it (i didnt).

The Arilou are humanoid because its ALSO a plot intriuge like the syreen. (anyone read the post about how maybe the arilou are US, but much farther evolved?)

And i very much doubt the Vux are humanoid, as they have tentacles, not arms, and who knows how many legs they have?

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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2004, 07:59:25 pm »

I was once preaching a plot idea that the ariloo abducted a bunch of humans in ancient times, and brought them to syra as an experiment. Our two species evolved differently.

One could theorize that the ariloo created the first life (single cell thing) on earth and it evolved into something that looked them.

In fact, one could theorize that the ariloo created all life. The yehat and pkunk look like birds. The mycon share alot with earths fungus. Maybe we all came from the same species, Ariloo.


Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2004, 06:13:12 am »

was once preaching a plot idea that the ariloo abducted a bunch of humans in ancient times, and brought them to syra as an experiment. Our two species evolved differently.

One could theorize that the ariloo created the first life (single cell thing) on earth and it evolved into something that looked them.

In fact, one could theorize that the ariloo created all life. The yehat and pkunk look like birds. The mycon share alot with earths fungus. Maybe we all came from the same species, Ariloo.

Yeesh. It's already creepy enough that they've mucked around with the human race, you want to make them the gods of all creation? I'm not sure I'd want to know about it if they were. Anyway, we certainly seem to be the spoiled children if that's true; Arilou seem to have been intimately involved with humans from the beginning, posing as everything from faeries to Roswell Grays and watching over us step by painstaking step, while the other aliens don't know jack squat about them and the Arilou are quite happy to let them die as long as we're safe (even our sibling races, the Androsynth and the Syreen).

'Sides, the Spathi seem to make a big deal about their taxonomic science of finding "analogues" between species on different planets (hence Spathi are "Meta-Mollusks", and they probably call humans "Meta-Primates" or "Meta-Whatever-Species-On-Another-Planet-Looks-Like-Apes").

But it's probably just bad science, the same bad science real life humans used to try to link up every New World animal and plant with an Old World "equivalent" (so bananas were considered an "analogue" of figs, racoons an "analogue" of badgers, etc.) or tried to claim every land animal had a sea equivalent (so manatees were "sea cows", whales were "sea elephants", hippopotami were "river horses", etc.) It rarely has anything to do with the animals' actual origin -- when they were discovered, people didn't know anything *about* their origin. It's just a way of classifying things so you don't go mad with all the new information, by pretending every new thing is like an old thing to give you a starting point to look at it from.

Personally, in-game jokes aside, I'm not sure that the Pkunk and Yehat are meant to be anything but sort of like Earth avians -- the Pkunk much more so than the Yehat, because the Pkunk were a later and jokier invention. The Yehat have compound eyes, pterodactyl-like wings, can sense electromagnetic fields... not that birdlike. Spathi also seem to have to reach pretty hard to find an analogue as clams -- yeah, they have shells and squishy bodies, but clams don't have limbs or eyes or claws or anything. (I assume those structures belong to the Dravatz, whatever that is.) And Mycon are derisively called mushroom-men by Earth pilots, but the Mycon in the comm screen doesn't look very manlike and only vaguely mushroom-like -- there are a lot of ways those things can be like fungi without actually being fungi (by having certain broad characteristics, like cell walls with more chitin-like than cellulose-like properties, living as amorphous webs that grow well-defined bodies for special purposes, feeding by growing on and around their food, etc.)
Michael Martin
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2004, 06:43:00 am »

I was once preaching a plot idea that the ariloo abducted a bunch of humans in ancient times, and brought them to syra as an experiment. Our two species evolved differently.

I've liked that theory for a very long time.  Though my version is that the Syreen are the "control" for their experiments on Humankind.  The only problem with that theory is that it took the Androsynth about 30 years or so to make a species-ending mistake once the Arilou meddling stopped.  One must wonder how the Syreen survived.

I don't buy the theory that the Arilou created all sentience, because they say "You are part of our extended family, just as other species have their extended families."  That would imply multiple patron races out there.
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2004, 07:43:07 am »

Oh ya, the ariloo are predated by most sentience anyways (precursors). At leased I assume so.

I like the syreen are the control thing. It takes away human ego-centricity very nicely.

Sander Scamper
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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2004, 02:19:48 pm »

The Syreen were created by the arilou to make us happy. Blue babes galore! =p

Now, i think that the Arilou may only be projecting their form to be very humanoid to be 'pleasing' to our eyes, to condition us to be more accepting of them. Thats just a theory, though.

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Re: How about the REAL starcon3?
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2004, 05:26:44 am »

They may be a generally healthy and well-formed species, but that doesn't explain why humans go gaga over them so universally and shamelessly. (Question: Would human females have the same response to the rare Syreen males? I picture really smooth, seductive Orlando Bloom lookalikes. With blue skin pigmentation, of course.)

The Syreen culture is based on diplomacy, empathy, and all that good healer-ethic feminine-side-of-the-coin stuff, while our planetary culture has relied more on conflict, hunting, physical combat, etc. So I'd imagine a low-level use of psionic manipulation, careful use of verbal and body language, and plain old empathy and charm is as built in to Syreen instincts as beating people up is to ours. (And the Syreen males have a diminished position in their society because they're congenitally worse at social manipulation the way our females have a diminished position because of their genetic weaknesses in the beating-people-up area.)

The Syreen probably move and speak and just gaze into your eyes with a seductive grace that human men and women just lack, or can only gain through long, long practice. And they're sexy also because they're sexually willing and available, because their culture is much more okay with using sex as a form of communication, friendship-building and trade than ours is. (Syreen basically walked right out of an old-fashioned Women's Studies class reading Margaret Meade's ideas about Samoa.)

Unfortunately the ability to build weapons, kill quickly and reflexively, and ruthlessly pursue enemies seems to be a better way of surviving in this mean Galaxy, but my theory is it's an ability Humans have been forced to adopt unnaturally by Arilou manipulation. Hence why Syreen culture is so much more appealing to us than Human culture is to them. And yet Human culture seems much better at surviving and making itself important to other cultures than Syreen culture -- it helps feed the idea that Humans are the carefully altered experimental group and Syreen the natural control.

Though why this *shouldn't* feed Human egocentricity, given that it makes us the culmination of a really important trans-dimensional project and the Syreen a run-of-the-mill weak species, is beyond me. Maybe because we Humans tend to dislike giving away credit for any of our good or useful qualities to our progenitors. (No one wants to be just the spitting image of their mom or dad.)
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