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Topic: Nice! (Read 2516 times)
Scott Graham
« on: August 05, 2004, 10:59:31 am » |
Wow! I just grabbed the latest release plus the latest binary. Very nice work, it seems quite faithful to how I remember it on the PC version I played. Thanks a lot to everyone who's contributed to getting this going.
Not sure about the voiceovers.. they seem a bit cheesy, but perhaps there's an option to turn them off? Maybe it's just that they don't quite match the voices I had in my head for the various races. 
Also, it'd be nice to be able to make the screen a bit larger; it's a bit small in high resolutions.
Looking forward to future updates (hopefully the intro cinematic?)
Scott Graham
Re: Nice!
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2004, 11:44:28 am » |
Oops, didn't read the manual..
uqm.exe --opengl --res 1024x768 --speechvol 0 --menu pc --music pc
is one fine gaming experience 
(Apologies for --music pc to whoever did the remixing.. most I liked, but the hyperspace one made it sound like I just stepped into a gay discoteque..)
Re: Nice!
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2004, 03:39:14 pm » |
Oops, didn't read the manual.. uqm.exe --opengl --res 1024x768 --speechvol 0 --menu pc --music pc is one fine gaming experience  (Apologies for --music pc to whoever did the remixing.. most I liked, but the hyperspace one made it sound like I just stepped into a gay discoteque..)
Heh. See, everyone? There are still people criticizing the change from PC to 3DO. Our Precursors remixers weren't the first one to break with tradition. 
If you weren't aware, all material in the game is the original 3DO version (the latest canonical SC2) including the remixes and such, and I'm pretty sure whoever did the original 3DO remixes isn't around these forums (someone posted a credits list just a while ago). So criticize all you want.
If you're interested there are modern remixes going on right now: has the info, and you can get the goods in .OGG form for use in the game from this site. (I do assume that you haven't done so already since the 3DO version sounds much more like a gay disco than the modern remix, which sounds like the music they're playing in the artsy cafe and lounge just outside the disco.)
And do check out Mark Vera's Hyperspace "Re-enter" mix, which is the original .MOD cleaned up with new samples to sound a lot better on modern PCs and will work fine in the game. (Do a search on this forum for "hyperspace re-enter" -- I'm sure it's available elsewhere but my brain is tired.)
For what it's worth, I'm still sort of surprised at what they did with 3DO QuasiSpace. Very gutsy change, and a *far* greater change in -- well, every single thing about the track than anything the modern remixers have yet done. (With the possible exception of the new Arilou music, and *maybe* the new Hyperspace music, though that immortal melody remains lovable in any guise.)
Re: Nice!
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2004, 04:47:16 am » |
I still haven't done a complete play-through with remixes in place, because it's jarring to hear the much fuller, richer sound quality of the modern remixes next to old four-channel MOD music and I'd rather wait till the whole project is done. But the one I'd recommend installing if you're only going to install one is #1, since that one stands alone by itself the best -- the parts it remixes are all of a piece, the "utility" music that's not associated with particular races, and so is easier to swallow than, say, installing only Pack #2 and hearing the main Ur-Quan villains sounding so... tinny compared to the Druuge. (Or installing packs 2 *and* 3 and hearing the Yehat sound so tinny compared to the Ilwrath.)
It's also probably the one pack that I have the fewest objections to, since most of the pieces weren't particularly memorable from the original game, and when they do remix a memorable piece (Starbase Commander, Battle) they're more consistently faithful to the original sound. There's more risks taken in the other packs that will lead to more divergent opinions, which is why #1 is still the best one to ease into using the remixes with. Plus you get the bonus of fully remixed victory ditties for the ships in melee, which by itself is a really fun way to spice up the game. (And you get alternate versions of the ditties to try out so you can tinker with the sound.)
Re: Nice!
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2004, 06:48:08 am » |
There is. The instruments sound much more real and there are more of them, for one thing. But in general the sound is fuller and less tinny; it makes it a bit distracting, because while originally Hayes' voiceover and the background music sounded like they were coming from the same sound source, now it sounds like the music is "really" playing while Hayes is coming through a tape recorder or speakerphone.
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