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Topic: My New Game (Read 4981 times)
Posts: 656
Don't mess with the US.
I am writing a new game and have been for a while, even before i found out about aftermath. The current plan for the game is basicly privateer with a Star control 2 type interface, more like aftermath's. where you can upgrade you ship buy a better hull and fully customize your ship. majority of the game is still in the concept phase. I've written most of the code for the ship but I have come to the point where i am designing how to intigrate combat systems. I realized that I could write the weapon object to be limited to what i can think of, or i can ask you guys for the ideas i would not think of.
basic design of a ship is as follow: a hull that has hardpoints, on each of these hardpoint can be mounted a component. component comprises of engines, generators, fuel cells, sensors, capacitors, Inertial compensaitors, and so on. each component has mass and as a result changes the dynamic of the ship, in terms of center of gravity and inertia. if a hardpoint is hit with enough force the component seperates from the hull. also ive have realistic heat model for transfer of internal energy between components and the hull, and back and for the emittance of radiation. I have yet to get to the point of coding radar detection but ive already know how im going to do it.
I've tried to make this as robust as possible so i can do anything. but there is most likely something I've overlooked. so I ask you for help in terms of Ideas.
right now in terms of combat systems i can think of: missiles with different warheads energy weapons that may do more then just damage. projectiles with different warheads. some kind of shield.
for warheads i have thougth of napalmish effect to melt components, emp to damage powered components. one thought of a warhead could be a weapon that shot an enemy like a mine or a fighter.
I would like detailed explinataion of ideas you have of:
1. combat systems 2. what real world componet like heat, G's or air leaks i can add to my ship code 3. anything else you guys can think of.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2004, 01:18:31 pm by BioSlayer »
Posts: 1059
Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Well, the Aftermath took about four years (I thought I read that somewhere) so I would not complain DJ, actually, I think 2 years is pushing it.
smarter then you
heres a idea for a weapon/defence
Hacking beam or hacking nanites. when an enemy missle is heading towards you, you use this thing and as a result the missle changes its target to your enemy.
Posts: 1059
Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Oops - thanks catching my mistake Terminator - What I meant was the MadGap had been working on the game aftermath for much more than two years even though it was not called that.....
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