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Topic: Best UQM Quotes (Read 10260 times)
Posts: 817
dont know why, but im always drawn to this...
Ah, the mysteries of the Universe. Try to understand 'em, but can you? Nope, they're mysteries!
Wait a moment. So the flagship IS equipped with planetary bombardment weaponry?
Well, 1) Spathi are known to exaggerate, and 2) Because a weapon has the sheer raw power to do something doesn't mean that's its intended purpose. AK-47's famously can slice a car in half if you shoot at the car from close range, but that doesn't mean that they're an effective anti-armor weapon.
My fav. quote, one of the rare gems among the Captain's side of the dialogue:
"I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the Alliance got its butt blasted."
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

I had a few ideas for this, but I was just playing through the game again and was reminded of the best line ever:
Captain: When we were fighting, why didn't you use your Glory Device? Katana: During my battle with the VUX, I decided to employ the weapon. But I guess I used too much gusto... and the switch broke.
You really have to hear it spoken to appreciate its hilarity.. as much as I'd like to redo the voiceovers for some of the species, I could never, ever, change the Shofixti. Its just perfect.
Rib Rdb
Frungy champion
Posts: 85

I don't know if this count's as a quote, but I found this in the source yesterday and I think it's pretty funny:
#ifndef TESTING GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[1]) = FUEL_TANK; GLOBAL_SIS (FuelOnBoard) = 10 * FUEL_TANK_SCALE; #else /* TESTING */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_DRIVE_SLOTS; ++i) GLOBAL_SIS (DriveSlots) = FUSION_THRUSTER; for (i = 0; i < NUM_JET_SLOTS; ++i) GLOBAL_SIS (JetSlots) = TURNING_JETS; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots) = HIGHEFF_FUELSYS; GLOBAL_SIS (FuelOnBoard) += HEFUEL_TANK_CAPACITY; } for (; i < 7; ++i) { GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots) = CREW_POD; GLOBAL_SIS (CrewEnlisted) += CREW_POD_CAPACITY; } GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[i++]) = STORAGE_BAY; GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[i++]) = SHIVA_FURNACE; GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[i++]) = SHIVA_FURNACE; GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[i++]) = DYNAMO_UNIT; GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[i++]) = TRACKING_SYSTEM; GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[i++]) = TRACKING_SYSTEM; GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[i++]) = SHIVA_FURNACE; GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[i++]) = CANNON_WEAPON; GLOBAL_SIS (ModuleSlots[i++]) = CANNON_WEAPON; #endif /* TESTING */
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
I like the captain's quote when talking with Tanaka, which went something like this:
"Nobody insults us like that, you fuzz-faced, piebald, impotent little roof-rabbit."
Zebranky food

Posts: 10

Don't you believe me? You question my word?
How can you guys forget mighty(or poor) Dnyarri?
Your job is done, Captain! You have saved me! You can now safely remove your psychic protection device, and leave. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THAN Why are you looking at me like that, Captain? Don't you believe me? You question my word? Okay, okay... so I was lying. Big deal! So what. Boy, you are A PAIN. Do you know that? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, MY LIFE!? You do? Oh.
Are you lonely, Captain? Are you misunderstood by everyone else on the ship? Is that why you KEEP CALLING ME WHEN I AM RESTING!?
And the contract to the God from the Druuge.
Yes, Captain. I am a lying, boneless, toady dweeb but I am YOUR lying, boneless, toady dweeb!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Now don't hate me, but I just remembered one great quote from SC3 so I jut had to post it.
When the captain talks to the Arilou on one occasion, the captain says: "It's good to see you too, my smiling friend. Let's go get a beer." to which the Arilou replies something about the offer bringing back memories from some white-trash back on earth...
I damn myself for not remembering the Arilou's reply fully. If anyone does remember it, could they post it here?
The part in SC3 with the Spathi getting scared of bunnies and killing thousands of them with their beam weapons was pretty hilarious. Don't get me wrong, I like animals, but that was quality.
I think the K'Tang were supposed to be funny, but I found it totally ridiculous that they said a lot of english words wrong when your translator is supposed to be figuring out an alien languge and repeating it accurately. The whole bit about them was just way too far-fetched.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 478

Androsynth Combat Tactics Specialist
This one is quite overlooked, but it's great.
Junior Scientist Hawkins, about the VUX Beast:
Well, it eats everything -- plant and animal tissue, wood, ceramics, plastics, asbestos fibers, several types of metal chairs, a desk and about half of everything a security officer wears. What it doesn't eat, it chews, and what it doesn't chew well, it just breaks up into tiny little pieces.
Sounds kinda like me if I'm hungry.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2004, 07:53:12 am by NECRO-99 »
I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
Posts: 580

The Thraddash have some fun quotes..
SNORT! What a laugh! You are the least battle-worthy creature I've ever seen commanding a starship.
Attention weak, ugly humans aboard that wallowing garbage scow of a ship, SNORT!
Inferior Aliens. You have once again intruded upon the territory of the Thraddash. This is a patrolled region of space. Your presence here is considered an act of War! How wonderful!
Attention, cowardly alien human thing! (har har har)
I am Korgk, battle-slave foreman of Culture Nineteen. You may be interested to know that our model ZK-53 computer has determined that you have only a fleeting 1.6% chance of surviving a battle with our homeworld guardian fleet. Shall we test this assertion?
And ofcourse, how can I ever forget, the answer to:
Tell us more of your brutal history.
Brutal!? You don't know the MEANING of brutal until you've heard the story of Culture Three! How brutal WAS Culture Three you ask? Culture Three was SO brutal that they maimed, tortured, enslaved, and in general brutalized THEMSELVES! You see, Culture Two had made a virtue of stoic resistance to pain, stubborn fortitude, that sort of thing. So when Culture Three came around, they had a problem. How were they going to impress everyone as being EVEN TOUGHER? Their answer? They would arrive at a battle, stand on a tall hill where everyone could see them and chop off one of their own limbs! Then they'd wave it around, screaming and shaking it at their enemies. It worked! It scared the hell out of their opponents! They ran like crazy! You could tell who was a real war hero back then by how few arms or legs he had left. War parades were quite different too. Instead of sturdy old warriors walking slowly past the reviewing stands they tended to roll, and at a good clip, too. To you, an inferior alien, this may seem bluntly stupid -- the product of a sick, primitive society. SNORT! You couldn't be more right! Culture Three was, as you can well understand, only the third Thraddash Culture and was therefore far from the tempered perfection you have encountered here and now.
More funny Thraddy quotes? (look at their history! THAT is funny!) ^^
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