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Topic: new comm voiceovers? (Read 5394 times)
I just noticed this:
The Yehat... are they supposed to be mostly females, like the Pkunk? Because that's what they sound like.
Yes, both voices are high-pitched and shrill, but that doesn't mean "feminine". I think the voice actors were going off the fact that both Yehat and Pkunk are birdlike and making their voices shrill and birdy. But neither voice is feminine at all; the Yehat are shrill because they spend a lot of time on the brink of rage, and the Pkunk are shrill because they're lovable old coots (with old-man voices). Do you really think birdlike races would sound natural with growly low voices?
As for what they're supposed to be in-game: The Yehat have a Queen by default, but that doesn't necessarily mean the whole race is female-dominated. Just 'cause the Veep-Zeep Clan has a female ruler doesn't mean that's true for the whole society. And the Pkunk's anti-materialist philosophy would probably make them strongly reject any sex-based traditions the Yehat had and try to be enlightened and egalitarian and all that.
Still, sometimes I think it'd be interesting if the Yehat were female-dominated and the Pkunk were (ironically) a male-dominated species; it sorta makes sense since I remember whenever a Pkunk is referred to in their dialogue it's as "he". Awkky Birdy, one of the most venerable Pkunk, is a male plagued by dreams of hot young Pkunk girls, and our Pkunk captain keeps wishing he could have dreams like his. (Hee; a female-dominated race of honor-bound iron-willed warriors, and a male-dominated race of goofy horny philosophers. Makes sense to me.)
You seriously hear that as a female voice? What are the women like where you're from? 
The Pkunk voice sounds almost exactly like a stereotypical goofy-old-man voice from a cartoon. I can't remember a named specific example off the top of my head, but it's very similar to a lot of (male) characters I've heard. I seem to recall that some of the characters in old Disney cartoons (like Dumbo) used that sort of voice. Some of the more bizarre Monty Python skits feature the guys doing a voice similar to that one.
I can't really picture it coming out of a female, high-pitched as it is. That's definitely a man's rough voice being forced up into the squeaky registers.
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