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Author Topic: Hrm.  Sound problems on OSX.  (Read 2200 times)

Hrm.  Sound problems on OSX.
« on: August 05, 2004, 04:38:55 am »

Okay, I grabbed 0.3 for OS X and downloaded the .zip files for music, sounds and voices.  Fire it up, and, sure enough, there's music and sound.  I start up a new game and get accosted by an Ur-Quan probe.  No voice.


Go to Earth's station, same problem.  The voice .zip file is in the content folder, so that's good.  I have no idea why it doesn't work.

Do any of you?

Re: Hrm.  Sound problems on OSX.
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2004, 06:52:20 am »

Works fine over here Tongue

The file /tmp/uqm.out should have a complete log of everything it tried to do while playing the game.  Does it say anything interesting about what it tried to do when loading the speech Oggs?

Also, as a defensive measure, head over here and pick up the latest CVS build and launcher -- A number of crash bugs with the OSX version have been fixed and I think it's well worth getting (but I'm biased Wink )

Re: Hrm.  Sound problems on OSX.
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2004, 07:08:24 am »

I installed the CVS and launcher, to no avail.  I can't find the file you specified -- a search for anything containing the word "uqm" turned up four items, none of which ended in ".out" or were contained with a tmp directory.  Can you give me more detailed instructions on how to find it?


Re: Hrm.  Sound problems on OSX.
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2004, 07:20:17 am »

In the Finder, click on Go -> Go To Folder, and enter "/tmp" in the dialog box.  In the window that appears, there should be a file named "uqm.out", it's a text file and will open with TextEdit, SimpleText, etc.

Re: Hrm.  Sound problems on OSX.
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2004, 08:14:30 am »

Aha.  Thanks.

Well, here's the output that seems relevant:

Error: Zip file corrupt; could not find 'end-of-central-directory record'.
Warning: Could not mount '': Input/output error.
Error: Zip file corrupt; could not find 'end-of-central-directory record'.
Warning: Could not mount '': Input/output error.

I couldn't find any other errors at all, and nothing else pertinent to the voice/music.  Any ideas?  Did the downloads get corrupted?

Re: Hrm.  Sound problems on OSX.Nic
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2004, 08:41:54 am »

It seems likely based on what you've reported so far.  Two easy ways to check:
  • Try unpacking the Zip file with StuffIt Expander, if it works then it's likely OK.
  • Open the Terminal (in Applications:Utilities), type "md5sum", where "" is the pathname to the Zip file (you can drop the file on the Terminal window to get this automagically filled-in) Then compare the resulting number with the one on the downloads page
If I were a betting man (and I am) I'd wager that the music file has gone sour; try downloading a fresh copy and see if it correct the problem.

Re: Hrm.  Sound problems on OSX.
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2004, 08:47:33 am »

Attempting the Terminal option first, it gave me a "md5sum: command not found" error, and when I attempted to de-zip it, it gave me an error claiming that it couldn't unarchive the .zip file to my desktop.

I'm betting that you're correct in your diagnosis.  I'll download a fresh copy and try it tomorrow.

Thanks for all your help.
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