Captain Smith
There are established lists for this kind of thing.
The two most valuable systems are Delta Tauri and Alpha Centauri in that order. You need upgrades for the second one, but the first one is easy pickings.
One question, which single planet is the richest in the entire game? We probably don't know, but which one does everyone think it is? Tectonics, Weather and Heat don't matter.
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

Well, if you confine the planets to ones with exotic elements with over 2000 RU, the best ones are:
5750 Beta Cephei 6 5675 Alpha Centauri 3 4150 Iota Serpentis 1 4125 Beta Chandrasekhar 2 3900 Beta Normae 3 3825 Epsilon Cassiopeiae 1 3650 Gamma Luyten 2 3650 Delta Tauri 2 3650 Beta Scorpii 5 3575 Formalhaut 1 3350 Delta Tauri 1 3300 Alpha Hyginus 5 3275 Theta Lyncis 1 3200 Beta Ophiuchi 2 3100 Gamma Eridani 1 2975 Epsilon Volantis 4 2775 Gamma Leonis 2 2650 Gamma Antliae 2 2650 Delta Tauri 7 2625 Delta Aurigae 2 2625 Alpha Chamaeleonis 4 2500 Alpha Fornacis 5 2450 Zeta Antliae 4 2400 Beta Apodis 2 2325 Alpha Columbae 5 2275 Gamma Volantis 1 2250 Alpha Centauri 8 2175 Alpha Ceti 2 2150 Kappa Horologii 4 2025 Beta Scorpii 7
A number of these aren't easily reached near the beginning of the game though, or they're in enemy territory.
Sweet. What about lifeforms, though? A single bio data point is worth 40 RUs in fuel. That's way more valuable than even exotics, and I bet it'd change a few of the most valuable planets.
1 biodata point = 2 credits. 1 credit = 1 point of fuel 1 point of fuel = 20 RUs
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

Lifeforms? Erg. That's more tricky. The online database of planets has a lot of errors in regards to where life is and isn't. I kept some notes myself but didn't record how _much_ life was available at any given planet.
Trying to compare my notes with the online database, here's a very short list where the two seem to agree. No guarantees though - this list may be wrong. Each solar system should have about 200 credits' worth for the Melnorme. And expect some casualties along the way.
Delta Normae 1 Beta Tauri 1, 5b Delta Sextantis 1 Eta Ptolemae 4, 5 Delta Lalande 4 Beta Cygnus 3, 4 Alpha Gorno 1 6a Zeta Gruis 1a Delta Centauri 2a
And don't forget to visit the Spathi homeworld, of course!
Is it supposed to have been moved to where you find it from somewhere else? I always thought it had always been there, and was just such a badass creature that there was only one left after each new generation wantonly kills each other as they're growing up. (That'd be a sight to see.)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Spathi Homeworld doesn't actually have much biodata. One 'evil-one' is one bio-unit, if I remember correctly. The best aliens are the green one-eyed ones, which run fast and won't attack you.
Is it supposed to have been moved to where you find it from somewhere else? I always thought it had always been there, and was just such a badass creature that there was only one left after each new generation wantonly kills each other as they're growing up. (That'd be a sight to see.)
Interesting theory.
An asexual (self-breading) animal that tries hardest to slay its own kind would inevitably evolve into something as horrifying as the VUX beast. The evolution would take an eternity, though, as asexual breeding almost never results in any change between the parent and offspring. Wow, am I ever good at hijacking my own topics.