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Topic: Bring Them Back? (Read 14870 times)
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
The closest thing right now is the Aftermath - Other than that, it is just a idea. I don't think it will happen soon if at all because of the work and possibly copy-rights. (not sure on the latter though)
So what your proposing is that none of the good ships/ships the majority of people favour should be utilised by the single player, and that only the really naff ships that no-one really likes should be available?
Seems a waste of good design work to me......
[no offence meant to those who really enjoy using Zoq-Fot Stingers etc - Its just people, at least from my experience, do tend to prefer Utwigs, Chenjesus and generally the more powerful ships i.e. above 10 points.]
I agree Synth are powerful. I can beat down most anything with a fully staffed Synth, BUT vs computer AI, possibly the most valuable ship is the Thraddash. At least with synth, whilst most battles are winnable, they do require some skill to pull off. With a Torch, which ARE EASILY ATTAINABLE in the main game, you can easily beat every ship, assuming its computer controlled. Do you propose that Thraddashs' are, so to speak, banned from the single player too?
To be honest, I think Torches are overpowered for single-player and I doubt that the AI's stupidity versus the Afterburner is intentional. I'm no expert but I imagine figuring out pathing against an Afterburner-like device would be rather complicated, and Paul and Fred did say before that they often ran with cool, implementable ship ideas first and tried to balance them second. I do consider using Torches to effortlessly kill enemies to be almost like exploiting a bug; at least using Fwiffo takes some practice.
Yes, cool ships are fun, but the single-player game is meant as a progression from beginning to end facing challenges along the way, not as an hour-long festival of whoop-ass. And the choices of what ships you get to play are dictated by what makes a realistic and fun story just as much as what's fun to pilot; if you want to go crazy with random ships the Melee option is right there, after all. Or are you proposing that the game storyline should somehow find a way to allow you to pilot Dreadnaughts and Marauders?
I doubt that even if the Orz storyline didn't exist you'd get to pilot Guardians in the game -- after all, there's a little thing about the Androsynth both being Hierarchy thralls and having a burning, unyielding hatred for their parent race.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 175

As far as gameplay is concerned, I believe that scrapping the ships is supposed to "melt them down into raw materials", whereby you can build other things, like landers, et. al. Since there's a 1:1 ratio of scrap price to new ship cost, what is the practical difference whether it goes into the drydock or the trash compactor?
In terms of the game story, the Spathi/Ilwrath Earthguard force was supposed to provide all defense against attack, and the Ur-Quan would not allow the humans to have their own ships; if they showed up to find even a single non-Hierarchy vessel around the Starbase, they would undoubtedly destroy it, likely destroy the Starbase, and possibly exact retribution on planetary surface targets as well. As the story currently plays out, the Starbase commander can play "dumb hominid" with the Ur-Quan fairly convincingly so long as the Vindicator is not around; it's the Spathi and Ilwrath who would be in trouble for the state of affairs in Sol.
"I’m not a robot like you. I don’t like having disks crammed into me… unless they’re Oreos, and then only in the mouth." --Fry
Moreover, just because the Starbase is bigger than your ship doesn't mean that it's full of empty space. The Starbase is supposed to be packed with various forms of manufacturing and repair machinery, and it'd be kind of unusual for the Ur-Quan to leave very much empty docking space lying around, since the Starbase is supposed to only be a maintenance station, not a battle platform.
And yeah, it would be a totally unnecessary gameplay wrinkle. Most of the time scrapping is exactly the same as storing because you lose no RU in the conversion. If you think you're going to need a ship that you can only build for a short time in the game, like the Eluder or the Torch, then just build it and save it in your ship. Slots aren't that precious.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
That would work till the precursor ship came back and needed fuel...
Besides, you'd think the Ur-quan would know something is wrong if the people were alive. They would be asking around and I don't think that a human could stand up to ur-quan tortue very long. Even if they could, I am sure that 1 in 1500 people (I think that is how many people on board....) on the base would tell all just to get a favour..... (maybe no though)
Ivan Ivanov
*Smell* controller
Posts: 296

Internet Piracy
Having tried switching the Earthling and Ur-Quan ship files (both in SC2 and URM) I can say that, yes, the Ur-Quan's new SOI does turn blue. Also it does not disappear. The race colours, diaglog and ship data are storedseperately, it seems, from the positioning and size of the SOI.
Now THIS is strange! Becaue from my expirience changing tha shp fiiles (in SC2) was my way of finding the location of undiscovered races. I usualy switched the race I wanted to find wih Spathi, as they are the first you meet. After taling with Fwiffo, Spathi's SOI appeared in the location of the race I wanted to find. The SOI colors were switched. Their sizes were switched. But if you changed the Spathi file to some SOI-less race file, Spathi's SOI did not appear. This happened to me when I changed Spathi.shp and Chmmr.shp, I cant remember wheter or not I was playing around with the earthling file, but I don't see a reason for it to act differently then the chmmr.
I think it will be much simpler if I just checked to see if it's true, since you say it works with UQM, and that's what I'm gonna do as soon as I download UQM (forgot to do it after recent windows reinstalation)
That would work till the precursor ship came back and needed fuel... 
They could always buy it from the Melnorme
Besides, you'd think the Ur-quan would know something is wrong if the people were alive
COMMANDER HAYES: Power down all non essential sub-systems! Turn the bridge light to red! Lt. Smith you'll be at the light switch turning it on and off! Everybody get ready! Ok, here they come. Open hailing frequencies!
COMMANDER HAYES: Attention unidentified space vessel! I am Starbase Commander Hayes of the slave planet Earth. our hyperwave broadcasts -- extremely weak situation critical -- energy cores exhausted scanners and deep radar are non-functional we cannot identify your vessel Are you the scheduled Hierarchy resupply ship? Repeat, are you the resupply vessel?
Your bruises are reminders of naivete and trust
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