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Author Topic: Questions regarding the Japanese 3DO version  (Read 3079 times)
Zebranky food
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Questions regarding the Japanese 3DO version
« on: August 17, 2004, 08:55:18 pm »

Sorry if this is the wrong forum, Ive asked at PNF and gamefaqs with no luck.

Regarding the Japanese version of SC2:

* Does it contain subtitles or did they redub all the voices?

* What are the menus like regarding language?

* Does planet info has text or the symbols still?

* Who translated and localised it?

* Was anything changed during localisation? What if any, are the differences between the USA, UK and Japanese versions?

* What does Paul and Fred think of the localisation?

* How much is the going price for it? On and off ebay?
I once saw it for very cheap in a Japanese junk store but foolishly never bought it.

* Did it have high sales? How many copies were initially sold?

* What do the Japanese think of it? Is there a large cult following around it like there is here in the West? Any fan websites?

* Does anyone know what the "Famitsu Magazine" scores for it were? Perhaps any other Japanese magazine reviews?
(Actually, I'd be VERY VERY interested in seeing scans of any previews/reviews they did)

* Is there any trouble running on it on a US/UK system?

* Any other general interesting info on it?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.  

Thanks ^_^
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Re: Questions regarding the Japanese 3DO version
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 02:06:33 am »

Regarding the Japanese version of SC2:
The UQM project has a bug open regarding including the Japanese content, but I'm not sure whether or not anyone associated with the project actually has a copy with which to provide it.  I'd presume it was identical in file layout to the US version, and the content could be extracted with the tools the project has created thus far.  But this is all wild speculation on my part.

* Does it contain subtitles or did they redub all the voices?
I have been led to believe that none of the 3DO versions had any subtitles, and that the Japanese version was all "re-dubbed", as it were.

* What are the menus like regarding language?
* Does planet info has text or the symbols still?
Again, as far as I have been led to believe, the game was localized into the native language, and on the 3DO, all planetary info was non-text anyhow, so no work would need to be done there.

* What do the Japanese think of it? Is there a large cult following around it like there is here in the West? Any fan websites?
I know that it did spawn at least one devoted fan in Japan, you might want to look here for more information:

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Zebranky food
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Re: Questions regarding the Japanese 3DO version
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2004, 04:33:23 pm »

I know speaking as one student aspiring to learn Japanese that I am very interested in any possibly dubbed/subbed Japanese version.

I also wonder if Fred or Paul had anything to do with its translation. It would be very interesting to see if there were any subtle re-translations that may lead more hints into the mysterys that the game has.
Sander Scamper
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Re: Questions regarding the Japanese 3DO version
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2004, 02:38:00 pm »

What would the Umgah sound like while speaking japanese?? =p

I never even know that this game WAS translated into Japanese

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Zebranky food
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Re: Questions regarding the Japanese 3DO version
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2004, 01:50:37 am »

I wonder if they manipulated the voices at all, or if its just normal voice acting?

How would Japanese Umgah sound, or Thraddash?
The Japanese language doesn't lend itself very well to certain styles of talking. Translating it must have been a constant uphill struggle, and I am fairly certain they must have adapted or modified the script extensively.

The Ur-Quan though would probably work, since Japanese is a very formal language.

My University Japanese course starts in a month, so at the end of 4 years, I will hopefully be able to find out.

Can anyone else calrify some things? I would have thought all SC2 fans would be fascinated by this.
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