I liked it because it's one of the very few games that i would reload a fight 5 or 6 times to try it differently. (Should i use a grenade, then switch to Kalashnikov? Maybe I could run in gunning in bullettime? Perhaps I could shootdodge straight through to cover?) That, to me, Is incredible gameplay. I really liked the story, probably because the movies I like very rarely are that dark, and to have a game so emotionally heavy/dark, was a very nice change. Some of the Similes, though sometimes overused, were very provocative emotionally.
One of the very best quotes I heard in the game is "The Genius of the Hole. No matter how much time and effort you put into climbing out, you can still plummet all the way back down in an instant."
"Oops!" KA-BOOM!!
"Space is a dangerous place where wimps eat flaming plasma death" -The Zot....or is it the Fot?? We may never know...unless the guy in the back tells us!