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Topic: Similar Games (Read 4232 times)
Jayme McBride
Has anybody ever seen a game that compares to Star Control II? I loved this game back in the 90s, and I have never seen anything come close to the game experience in this game. Just curious to see if any one has come across anything similar that I might want to check out.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I have heard that others have. Blasphemers.
That's a bit peremptory, isn't it?
Starflight, though more primitive than SC2, is considered very similar in style. Same thing with the old game Solar Winds. Wing Commander: Privateer might also be worth a look.
Jayme McBride
I have been playing the Microsoft game Freelancer and so far it is all right, but one of the things I loved about SC2 was the planet exploration and mining. The other cool thing was the secret artifiacts and RPG aspect of it.
Zebranky food

Posts: 34

With all the europeans on here I would figured that someone woulda mentioned the Elite games (I like Frontier the best)
It allows planet exploration and mining, as well as asteroid mining, contract killing, search and rescues. It's a crazy cool game. And with something like 50 different ships to choose from, one of my favorites. Yup yup.
We could ofcourse mention timewarp and aftermath, but they are more or less just spin-offs of SC2/UQM
« Last Edit: August 27, 2004, 02:00:59 am by RDH_An-R-Kist »
Though Timewarp and Aftermath are both based on the Star Control games, neither one has the expansive, adventure-game-like story-based environment of SC2, which was in my opinion what made SC2 really special. Both have simulations of combat and exploration that greatly surpass SC2, but there have always been tons of games that had cooler nuts-and-bolts gameplay than SC2. Very few have captured the feeling of an interactive real world the way SC2 has.
Jeff Graw
Zebranky food

Posts: 18
I hate to say this, since UQM is such a great game and all but...
Starflight 1 & 2 were way better.
The same way moonpod's starscape is but a lite version of SC2, SC2 is a light version of starflight.
Starflight was more of a hardcore simulation game. The universe was bigger, the plot was deeper, and it was a lot more real and immersive. Also, the planets were huge, and the entire universe was fractally generated.
SC2/UQM is still a great game (an one of my all time favorites) but starflight is just better IMO.
You really should try this its a frre game though its multiplayer only it is kinda similar but without any speech from comps....but since this game is nowdays abandonware and open source its only a few players that plays it(about 40 all the time) but its very fun and extremely complex
Zebranky food

Posts: 48

Current Mood: RL-Buisy...
I myself am drawn to Alien Leggacy over and over again. I played SC2 around the same time and I found it to draw my attention about as much as sc2.
Thank you dos box...
AL certainly hasn't got the action element but it does have a nice immersive atmosphere. It sorta ties together my interest in exploration with my interest in RTS games. As far as more modern games I haven't played anything that comes close to SC2 or any of the old classics.
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