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Author Topic: Star Control Television Series  (Read 24346 times)
Zebranky food
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Star Control Television Series
« on: September 09, 2004, 12:20:00 am »

So, I have heard some rumors that they are looking into developing a television series based on the Star Control 2 universe.  Has anybody heard this?
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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2004, 01:44:50 am »

So, I have heard some rumors that they are looking into developing a television series based on the Star Control 2 universe.  Has anybody heard this?

Ok, hoaxes 101:
Don't be too vague. "some rumours" doesn't work. Make up a source. Some magazine that noone reads, or invent one altogether. Similarly "they" is too vague. Make up someone, or some company. Choose someone who is famous, but not too famous, to make it more believable. Noone with half a brain is going to fall for it this way.
For example: "I just read in Hollywood Monthly that Sam Raimi (from Xena, Hercules and the Evil Dead movies) is negotiating with Toys for Bob for the rights to make a movie about Star Control. While I love the idea of a Star Control movie, I have my doubts whether he is such a good choice to tell a story like this. What do you think?"
I'd still have to see it to believe it, but at least you may fool a few credulous people.


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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2004, 01:49:43 am »

Well said, meep! Tongue
Zebranky food
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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2004, 01:58:12 am »

Well then let me re-phrase my previous comment.  Would anyone watch a TV series based on Star Conrol?
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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2004, 02:24:32 am »

Despite the fact that I would most certainly tune in for such a show, I absolutely reject the notion that a sane television production company would sign up to produce a television show based on a decade-old video game that didn't sell well in its time, has a fairly tiny cult following (comparatively speaking), and whose "intellectual property" is currently split between two companies.  Just securing the rights to use the names, characters, et. al., would probably be quite costly, not to mention the cost of producing a sci-fi series with many "alien" aliens (as opposed to "funny forehead" aliens) of any passable quality.  To argue that financing such a show would be a bad investment is an insult to bad investments.

Where did you hear these rumours?  Do you have website links to back them up?

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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2004, 02:27:02 am »

OxDECODE, that really cleared the table. Damn good speech. I do agree with you on everything you said.

Of course I would like to see it though.

Author of Star Control novelizations Groombridge Log and Eternal Doctrine.
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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2004, 02:30:46 am »

For argument sake...  Funding for a television series such as this would be no more or less than a babylon 5 or Star Trek.  Babylon which was the least expensive Sci-Fi show was at 800k per episode which is small however they did have the none nose piece aliens and the expanse world.  Three letters spells out how to cut costs CGI.  Yeah, it wasn't an all time seller, but it actually has a rather large following and is rated as #6 best game of all time by gamespy.  The most important thing is that it has a great, funny story line.  That is what would be important.
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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2004, 02:43:31 am »

Even with a good story, a lot can be messed up. I would look to the first few eps of such a series, and go from there.

As for the actual possibility of a SC show, all you would need is one fan in a position of power within a production company. Networks seem pretty desperate for decent shows, so it could happen. I'd find an SC2 movie or mini series more likely though.

There is no relevant "intellectual property" split up. Everything they would need is with TFB. They don't need the name "Star Control", nor the game manual or the .DUK movies.

I don't know how expensive B5 was, but usually decent CGI is one of the most expensive parts of a production.

Btw, the series could be a cartoon.


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Zebranky food
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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2004, 02:49:01 am »

So are there any petitions to create a TV series?
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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2004, 04:33:47 am »

Sure there are! - Lots of them, like the place that place that you read it t042544!  

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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2004, 05:10:16 am »

I don't know what petition they are refering too, but there is this piece from this chat with tfb:
<_Stilgar> <Tsing> Did you REALLY sign the 'Turn Star Control into a movie' petition?
<Fwiffo> I will confess, we are still interested in creating more Star Control and yes we signed the petition.


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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2004, 05:24:33 am »

If there were an SC2 series, it would *have* to be a cartoon. The SC3 Muppets were, overall, pretty dismal failures (in my opinion) compared to the SC2 artwork, pixellated as it may now look. The number of weird-shaped alien aliens would make the budget for designing and producing animatronics and costumes for them pretty hard. (And don't anyone dare say that we can fix that by writing out the alien aliens, or modifying the more alien-looking aliens into humans with funny face-prostheses.)

I could picture it being done well as a cartoon with a semi-serious but still jokey and kid-oriented feel. Something along the lines of the fairly good lineup Fox was running for Saturday morning cartoons (before drastically over-rerun Pokemon episodes took that over). The sort of middle ground they got with series like "Rusty and Big Guy" or "Men in Black" or "Batman Beyond" would be good. Part of me thinks that a 3D CGI animation would suit the feel of SC2 better than hand-drawn animation, which these days usually turns out looking too sloppy and kiddish or else too anime-influenced (and I really don't think an anime aesthetic would be good for this series). It would only follow the plot of the game loosely, change the Captain to a complete starring cast of the Captain and his bridge crew... yeah, I can see it working.

Random thought: When I first heard the Hyperspace theme and got it stuck in my head (irrevocably), I thought it was one of the best science fiction themes I'd ever heard, and it was a shame that I'd never get to hear it as the theme song to a TV series because it would be *perfect* for that purpose. Now I've got a little collection of remixes of Hyperspace on my computer, and the progression of types of remix almost perfectly matches the sort of evolution famous TV themes go through during the remake process as shows spin off into movies and games and TV sequels. It's a song that does remix very well, allowing me to picture some hard-driving mix like Rush's mix being the theme song to an ironic, hard-edged '90s remake of some slightly campy beloved '80s show, to which the original mix is the theme song.

It's perfect for opening credits: you have the slow take over the ship as the opening melody plays, and a break into scenes from the show as the percussions start up, and the melody is broken up into nice, repetitive phrases that cue you to switch between the main cast member's faces, followed by a series of cool action shots as we go into the bridge, and then a big crashing finish with a reprise of the main tune and the words "STAR CONTROL" across the screen.
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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2004, 06:33:50 am »

Art: I actually went ahead and imagined the Hyperspace song as a theme song for such a series, and what I heard in my head resembled quite colsely the sound of good ol' 80's shows like The A-Team and Macgyver... dunno if that's only a good thing, but still... Smiley

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Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2004, 07:22:18 am »

Yeah. exactly! Original Hyperspace is like the theme song to some old '80s cartoon, and one of the newer mixes is like the theme song to the CGI '90s version of the cartoon with better voice acting and an edgier plot. (Remember when there was a craze for those, like Transformers: Beast Wars, or that new Voltron series? That was cool.)

Re: Star Control Television Series
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2004, 08:05:36 am »

Star Control 2 would go pretty well in anime form. I would keep the fact that it's based off SC2 hushed though, as that's not going to get most people's attention. You'd need to add in a lot of characters aboard the flagship as well as among the Ur-Quan and many other species that aren't in the game to make it work.
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