Got to have an interesting challenge from somewhere if you're experienced. I know I've had to get creative to find things that still challenge me in super-melee against the computer. Lately I've been doing Ilwrath (me) versus the world.
But maybe this is something that'll be done post 1.0 along with the scenario makers and such.
Sad but true, this would be quite a task. Drawing the ship and such would be fairly easy, as would be adding in things like recharge rate, speed, crew. However, the actions of the main weapon and secondary weapon/defence would be a bit more tricky. I'm not sure, but it might require re-compiling UQM.
Wouldn't the new ship and it's weaponry have to be coded and drawn?
"Oops!" KA-BOOM!!
"Space is a dangerous place where wimps eat flaming plasma death" -The Zot....or is it the Fot?? We may never know...unless the guy in the back tells us!
hmm. that kina sucks, recompileing? the drawing part is easy, i was thinking you could just dray the ship pointing up, the easy-bake ship machine would doo the other angles, you would have an array of weapons to choose from and you could place launch points on it, unfortuneatly, cpu ai would be a problem, and you wouldent make a howzer cannon equivalent with what i have in mind.