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Topic: EH... Did Accolade run out of ideas? (Read 12911 times)
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Use the ' key instead of whatever you are using.
Frungy champion
Posts: 98
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Well in SCIII he would have to be around 40 years old. So, what you saw must've been after SCIII took place or TFB never planned to us the same Captain, but Accolade ruined it up. In either event I want to know what happened to the Pkunk's prediction of the Captain dying at an early age. Now, as for the Precursor ship in background, for some reason I can't remember that. Are you sure it wasn't an Earthling Cruiser (remember the ship was destroyed when you beat the Sa-Matra)? Oh well, on to the flagship in SCIII...The ship was made by the Chmmr with some Precursor technology.
Frungy champion
Posts: 98
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
You know I was so sure that the Chmmr and Humans built the near ship, but according to The Pages of Now and Forever this is what happened:
"2171-2177 The Captain uses the Precursor artifacts on Unzervalt to build a Warp Bubble Transport system that can travel between the stars without using Hyper Space. The Captain builds a new Precursor colony vessel to carry the Warp Bubble Transport system. Without Hyper Space travel, the New Alliance collapses."
It's been awhile so I can't be sure, but does anyone remember? Oh well, if it is a Precursor ship it's another huge flaw made by SCIII. If you go back to Vega, in SCII, you will find your beloved planet slave-shielded and an Ur-Quan Dreadnought is guarding the planet, waiting for you to come back. Now, SCII says the colonists placed nuclear bombs inside the Precursor factory incase the Hierarchy discovered it. So, when the Dreadnought came the colonists had to have blown it up. If they didn't the Dreadnought would've killed everyone down there and taken the technology for themselves. And it's not like the factory was hard to find as it was near the settlers, so if they could find their camouflaged houses, they could easily find the caves (according to SCIII the Ur-Quan were able to detect Precursor technology at the bottom of Earth's Ocean).
« Last Edit: December 07, 2002, 07:23:01 am by Zeroarmy »
Yes, there was a big ship at the end of SC2, looked like a bit like a giant Arilou Skiff. It is referred to, if I am not mistaken, as the Mark II. Or maybe it was Mark III.
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

Rankka Ankka
"If so i think i'll have to leave SC3 unplayed."
Yes, that's right, you should! I played it, but was never able to complete it, because of some bug. I tried going onwards by following every single step of a walkthrough, but it didn't work out. I just couldn't stand that game and am now ignoring everything it had to say about the SC universe. For me, there is no information about the happenings of the galaxy after Star Control 2.
wtf, why would the new alliance crumble if hyperspace travel was obsolete? wouldn't it just make it stronger (instantaneous travel)?
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

Rankka Ankka
It wasn't obsolete, it just stopped working. The only ship capable of interstellar travel was the Precursor ship with its warp bubble technology. All others were stuck in their own solar systems.
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Posts: 109

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
fred ford did not make star control 3 just 1&2 if he had made 3 it would be better
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
did not under stand what the kid was saying did the kid say how did you fight or find mark2 or was the human colony building another ship at the end
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