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Topic: Different Scoring Idea for Melee (Read 5488 times)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
How about Ur-Quan or Chenjesu with improved turning?
How about Mycon that only need to use half their battery to regenerate?
How about a Kohr-Ah with a FRIED that only takes a third of its battery and whose blades move 3/2 as quickly?
How about an Earthling cruiser with a 4-damage point defense and improved acceleration?
But all of this is aside from the SCORING issues that were originally suggested. I would put forth an alternate scoring system -- actually an alternate battle format.
Instead of fighting serially, you have ships pair off randomly. Then the survivors pair off randomly, and so forth. Damage could be carried over, or not.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2004, 09:56:50 pm by Death_999 »
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
I like your idea D_999, though I think it *might* be better for the players to pick their own ships simply without the other player knowing what it is.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2004, 10:53:08 pm by FalconMWC »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Hmm... in the event of different fleet sizes, sure.
That is, the player with fewer ships is obliged to field them all. The player with more ships can choose which to hold back. Then the arrangement between them is random. Or perhaps you 'draft' engagements -- one person engages a pair, then the second person engages a pair, and so on. VUX get to go first in this, for free (warp-in advantage).
After the first round, the player who had reserves last time (if either did) gets to allocate them. Then of the remaining ships, the fastest victories get to allocate first (instead of strict alternation).
For this purpose, Shofixti are considered to win even if they do not destroy the enemy.
Player 1: Shofixti, Utwig, Supox, Earthling vs Player 2: Chenjesu, Arilou, Syreen
Player 2 has no choice but to field all his ships. Player 1 doesn't want to risk getting the Utwig gradually eaten up by the Arilou (which P2 is very good with) or DOGI'd to relative ineffectiveness by the Chenjesu, so she holds it back.
Player 2 sends the Arilou against the Supox, to prevent its mutual annihilation with the Shofixti or PDL-death by the Cruiser. Player 1 sends the Cruiser against the Syreen That leaves the Shofixti to go up against the Chenjesu.
Battle results: Supox vs Arilou: Arilou in 3 minutes, 4 survivors Cruiser vs Syreen: Earthling in 30 sec, 3 survivors Shofixti vs. Chenjesu: Chenjesu in 12 sec, 27 survivors
New state: P1: Earthling(3); Utwig(Reserve -- first) P2: Arilou(4); Chenjesu(27)[fastest -- gets second pick]
The reserves from before, Player 1's Utwig, get to go next. She figures the Earthling could do some good against the Arilou, wearing it down 1 or 2 crew before being finished off. Clearly, the Utwig's shield will not be a factor in the remainder of the battle so she might as well face down the chenjesu right away.
After this round, it becomes trivial since there will be only one matchup at most (and given the outcome so far, it looks like there won't be another round)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2004, 08:51:25 pm by Death_999 »
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Ok everyone! Break out the pillows! 
Anyway, back on topic.....
D_999, That sounds like the best idea for a point system yet, though it would be slightly complicated if a player had like, ten ships. Then again, as long as the computer did it all, it would not be.....
hmm..... How about while still using D_999's idea, the players can pick their ships that they start with by points. For instance:
Player A has 50 points to spend, thus he/she buys a chmmr avartar {30} and a melnorme ship {18}. That would be the starting ships for player A.
Player B can have a Thraddash {10} a Chenjesu {28} and a earthing cruiser. {11} Those would be the starting ships for player B.
Then we just follow the guidelines already set.
PS, I think that there should be a rule that allows no more than one kind of ship, Any thoughts?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2004, 10:56:19 pm by FalconMWC »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
This is where house rules come in. Certainly, allowing such constraints to be stated and enforced in-game would be valuable for network play.
As far as how complex it is... hmm...
1) The player with more ships is asked which ships they want to put forward.
2) The computer determines who gets to pick next, automatically.
3) The computer then gives one player the ability to pick from the set of ships the computer names, and have it attack one of a set of ships the computer names.
4) They fight.
5) Repeat, except that sometimes one person gets to pick several times in a row, or sometimes the choice is forced.
Understanding the reasoning would involve a little complexity, but actually executing it would be quite simple, I'd think. Only gets at all complicated when the difference in fleet sizes gets large.
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