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Author Topic: Fanart designs  (Read 46767 times)

Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #105 on: November 05, 2004, 08:43:21 am »

When I first saw that, I thought: "Burvixeese"... Because of the design of their 'caster...

I always thought Taalo were rocklike creatures? As in: probably not being able to move that much?

NITPICK: The Burvix Caster was actually built by the Druuge.

Not that that actually matters in this context.
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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #106 on: November 05, 2004, 11:46:18 am »

Yeah, Giger did a really good job with the Alien designs. They had some early concepts (before Giger came on the project) and if they had used those... well... the alien looked like a x-mas turkey.
Sometimes one person comes along and changes everything to awesome. Sometimes the opposite. Sad

You're sure you're not referring to Giger's actual sketch for the chestburster? It does, in fact, bear a close resemblance to a turkey:

After all, (AFAIK) we never get to see much more of the little fella in the movie than the neck up. Could be this design was actually used... ? It's certainly a disturbing image, perhaps in part because of the familiar yet outlandish appearance.

Pic - Giger inspired pic I did a while ago.

And the resemblance to a certain portrait of Giger's wife is more than fleeting. Wink But it's a very good piece of work.

You have a very good, pure line in your drawings. Have you considered doing any animation work?
« Last Edit: November 05, 2004, 11:46:55 am by VOiD » Logged

I don't think so, therefore I'm probably not.
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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #107 on: November 05, 2004, 03:01:31 pm »

Ah, I see, I was mistaken somewhat, Giger did do that one. The turkey design wasn't used in the movie according to my 'Making of'-book. I think they went for a smaller alien head, perhaps with a lizard/snake body.

Nice Giger site. I haven't looked at his other art really. The pic I did was inspired by someone else's Giger pic, so it was an indirect ripoff I guess. I just wanted to have a go at the flippy thing. It took something like an hr to make.

Ron Cobb did some other alien concepts. Although nicely rendered and designed, they wasn't particulary dramatic or scary. Scroll down on this site.
It's a giant Lobster! The pilot scene can't really stand up to Giger's either.

Animation? I dunno. Never tried it. I'm not very good with posing character in relation to stuff. Gotta brush up my enviroment and perspective skills too.


The Space Amazons (aka sexdolls) left earth together with the Androsynth, but diverted. Their ships are mainly small scouts, but there's also a large hangar/mothership.
They keep tentacled creatures as pets, and might pay for information on new tentacled species.
The inspiration here is manga, Protoss ships, wasps. Yellow and black is my fav color scheme.
You might see certain similarities to the MetalSlug alien/squid, but that 'tako' design is common in many mangas.

Here's another reason why Alien r0x0r my b0x0rz! (also inspired my design)

(Yes this species/design isn't entirely serious, but I couldn't resist)

« Last Edit: November 05, 2004, 03:23:41 pm by Arne » Logged
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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #108 on: November 06, 2004, 04:29:59 am »

Wow, I leave for a month, and this whole topic is filled with new art. Excellent work. I also really like the coloring style. The colors you provide make the drawings, literally, “pop” out, giving a cool three-dimensional look to it. Sorry for the seemingly lame and amateurish observation, but I particularly enjoy this aspect in your pictures.

I give you HAPPYHEARTS. As for your drawings, yes, I give them happyhearts too. A winner is you, Arne, and for once I'm using that phrase in a non-sarcastic sort of way.

hahaha I'm so stupid.
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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #109 on: November 06, 2004, 06:20:17 am »

That drawing of the female face (that Giger-inspired drawing of yours) looks a LOT like Shodan from the System Shock games.

Just an inane observation from yours truly.
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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #110 on: November 06, 2004, 11:42:30 am »

Thanks! I'm glad you like them.

Random ZFP doodles. I was thinking since most races have wierd weapons already. Maybe ZFP should have very impractical ...wierd weapons.
Their huge battleplatform might have an absurdly oversized tongue weapon, or a lot of small ones extending in all directions once activated.
Their guns are pretty much inaccurate like tommyguns that go "piupp-piupp-piupp!"

Other weapons they could use are grapling hooks (tractor beams are too complicated), grip claws, maybe some sort of reactor grenade/mine that shoots out a cable to the target and winds itself in?

A bola/ball-chain is another idea. Ther were used back in the day to cut ship masts with. Buckshots. Old battleship stuff maybe? That would connect well with ramming and graplinghooking.

Edit: Pic - Quick paintpucket + doodling to show how it looks in relation to the original ship. This version could be a giga tongue version.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2004, 12:32:22 pm by Arne » Logged
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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #111 on: November 06, 2004, 03:04:32 pm »

Wow, I love the Taalo! I had envisioned them as hulking, rocky creatures. You make them look so cute and friendly! Cheesy

As for the Precursors, they were almost exactly as I had envisioned them. The only difference is the large, bony neck and head, which is way cooler than anything I have come up with.

I think that your designs for the ZFP look almost too menacing. It looks to me like that it might actually fire something powerful. The long barrel reminds me of a cannon more than a pea-shooter. Also, your doodle of their large ship looks a lot like the Kohr-Ah, dunno if that was intentional or not.

Also something you might want to do is draw up how a game of frungy works. I know I had a blast thinking of the cooperative roles the Zoq, Fot, and Pik would play, and in what kind of strange arena. I did make a few sketches, but I reaaaaaly suck at drawing so I don't plan on posting them. :-/

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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #112 on: November 06, 2004, 09:10:59 pm »

The sexdoll idea is excelent! I tell ya, the idea to throw the tenticled 'tako' style creatures was pure genious. Simply Excelent.

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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #113 on: November 07, 2004, 02:49:25 am »

Perhaps the Amazons have a grudge against the Syreen as well as the humans for reasons I shouldnt need to mention Grin
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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #114 on: November 07, 2004, 05:57:51 pm »

The thought of designing a frungy game certainly occured to me, but at the same time, maybe it's one of those mysteries that should be kept a mystery, just like who's fot.

I'll see how the ZFP ships turns out when painted up. Maybe I'll have to 'cutify' them.

I'm probably gonna use the red ships for another species than the crabs, now I'm leaning more towards these two versions..

btw, I coded some games myself, including an asteroid shooter with some physics and particle effects. Not sure if I showed it.
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« Last Edit: November 07, 2004, 05:59:23 pm by Arne » Logged
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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #115 on: November 08, 2004, 01:48:13 am »

*Transforms into a South Park episode*

"Crab people ... crab people..."

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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #116 on: November 08, 2004, 03:46:44 am »

The thought of designing a frungy game certainly occured to me, but at the same time, maybe it's one of those mysteries that should be kept a mystery, just like who's fot.

Actually, the game code is pretty clear about who's the fot.

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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #117 on: November 08, 2004, 08:00:10 am »

Meep> Does it matter if the code says it though, as that's not ingame information?

As with all ships, I tried to mimic how nature works, ie. by morphing details and shapes in small steps. I'll end up with a lot of designs but I think that's cooler than having two versions that looks like they don't belong together.

Since it will be difficult to see what going on if there's too many shiptypes, the AI will go for certain combos and/or there is a flat-rate for inventing ships, preventing them from getting too many types.

The stats for the ships will be calculated by a formula. I will simply draw an outline around the ship in a certain color, then a routine will calculate the volume by producing slices. The color of the line indicates the rough shape of the hull, like round, flat oval, box, flat box, rhomb, flat rhomb. It should give much better results than estimates while being very simple to draw.

After that I'll assign how many percent is armour, it's weight, how much is free internal space, engines, etc.

So for these crabs, I'll specify that the hull is thin/flat and oval, the armour is thick chitinoid, they have a single front weapon, powerful side thrusters (they're crabs yo) and a lot of other stuff I can't think of now.

Because they only have one front weapon, it will automatically be powerful since all the weapon energy will be assigned to it. It will all be multiplied with the efficiency of the technology for the species.
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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #118 on: November 08, 2004, 05:11:21 pm »

Meep> Does it matter if the code says it though, as that's not ingame information?

It shows the intent of the creators. And that's what most people consider canon.


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Re: Fanart designs
« Reply #119 on: November 08, 2004, 10:36:50 pm »


Which one's the Fot?!  The middle guy?
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