Topic: Fanart designs (Read 46762 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 51

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I would like to say your work is AWSOME!
It just makes me sad that no big company is going to invest its time and money into this great universe that is created.... they should hire you as the artist.....
The only race I don't agree with is the Shofixti, they looked better while they were rat-fox like..... instead of mouse like.... at least they looked cool from waht I saw in SC2
Frungy champion
Posts: 51

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Here's the Taalo. For my story I was thinking they could appear in normal space with their giant asteroid ship hail the captain, but without saying anything... PicThen the camera zooms out and reveals... Pic...who apologizes for his little friend not being very talkative. I flipped the eyes upside down and made a mouth-like line to make it look more friendly. Maybe there's some sort of emergency in another part of the universe where they bring the captain and some allies, or the original SC2 map just expands, revealing new systems. edit: I'll be getting to the precursor ships sooner or later...
I thought the Taalo where um.... like the chenjestu all like crystal like... hmm
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
I never got that... did they ACTUALLY harm the spathi, or were the spathi just really scared of them?
From the resource guide:
Fortunately, the "Evil Ones" do not appear to find human flesh particularly tasty and will not attack your lander when you make planetfall on Spathiwa. However, if you touch an Evil One, be prepared for a vicious attack! The best strategy is to remain at a distance from the creatures, stun them into submission, and then carefully pick them up, one at a time. When you think you are done and have returned to orbit, you may want to make one last Biological Scan, just to insure that you haven't left any Evil Ones on the surface. You wouldn't want the Spathi to return to Spathiwa only to be cruelly devoured, would you?
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Zebranky food

Posts: 39

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
The Spathi High Council mentions about the Evil Ones enjoying the "sweet Spathi flesh" too, so I'm guessing yes, they munched on Spathi.
Frungy champion
Posts: 51

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I thought the spathi high counsil was just so scared they made stuff up... being as they were cute, and I don't even thing touching them made em attack you....
*Smell* controller
Posts: 316

Resident pseudointellectual
Maybe the Evil Ones go into hibernation when there's not enough food around? I believe there are species that employ this particular survival technique on Earth, although I'm not sure which ones , so don't quote me on that.
Zebranky food

Posts: 39

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Aye. They cause alot of damage. I even lost my lander to one the first time I was playing with UQM. Still getting used to the controls. meh.
I imagined the Syreen world when it was being terraformed by the Mycon.

See bigger pic at
What do you think?
I think it looks great! I remember looking through the PONAF 3d Gallery a little while ago and seeing all your stuff, it's really top notch. The one you made of the slave-shielded earth is fantastic- that was my desktop backgroud for a few months.
May people think that you need a top notch computer or doftware. But they are wrong. Computers are rigid, unlike pencils.
To make those pics I used MicrograFX Picture Publisher 7 (which is some sort of simpler Photoshop that runs in an AT-80486. That software came with my cheap scanner.
The 3D software I used is called Trispectives and it is a demo that is somehow buggy. That demo came with a generic video card that had not hardware acceleration. The only shapes that could be built were merely geometric. Forget about modeling plants or human with that software. Forget even about a smooth japanese-style mecha.
I learned that computer is like a rigid pen. It brings better finishing but you need to master pen before mastering computer.
So IMO a pencilled work worth far more than a shiny and neat computer graphic.
I also brought that concept of mixing drawings and computer graphics to a comic called "Atarsia" (Copyright (c) José Pablo Luna Sánchez)
See gallery of pics contained in the comic at
The "Atarsia" comic is being published by Plan 9 magazine in Costa Rica. It's a scifi story of a space cop who had been told a legend about a goddess. The presence of a strange ship with very high tech (unseen to those days) that hunts criminals brought her (the cop) the idea that it could be the goddess of the legend.
Since then, she is after, as she wants to uncover the mistery of the goddess.
I guess I must than Starcon for keeping the scifi spirit alive.
In Japan, scifi is having a boom. My guess it is a matter of time before it reaches us.