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Topic: Fanart designs (Read 46754 times)
Posts: 520

Hey all. Here's some SC fanart I'm working on. I wanted to make different variants of the characteristic ships.
Syreen - Phallic galore

Mmrnmhrm - More monolith-mystical

The Spathi gave me trouble. I made a lot of versions but I don't know how well they correspond to people's mental image of the Spathi. Any feedback and ideas here will be appreciated! 1 2 3
I also have a very geeky wet dream / project page here with more comments on the designs.
I'll be updating once in a while, or not. I tend to abondon my projects after a week, and it's already been 5 days!
Moronic Maria :D
Zebranky food

Posts: 31

Hi sup
Well, I just wanted say that your work is amazing! I really like how detailed the sketches and concepts are. Great coloring, too. My favorites are the Spathi peices.
As for what exactly the spathi look like (or what I imagine they would look like) is pictured here ,which is really well illustrated by another artist. Personally should I ever see a full profile of a Spathi, I'd imagine that's what one would look like.
Anyways, awesome stuff. It's always great to see more artists around here.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2004, 01:05:23 am by funkmunkey »
Posts: 520

Thanks. I saw that design when I did research. It's interesting but a bit too realistic and detailed for my taste. I can imagine the Spathi command bridge being decorated like a balloon party for kids with lots of alien toys in simple colors, except it's serious stuff for the Spathi.
I didn't like the Utwig design so I changed it, a lot, but kept the mask concept.

Mycon. Gave it 4 legs.

The blue is half close to the original, but the others are new. Tried to tie the designs together with the eyes, knobs or whatever it is. I included the now extinct predator too.
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
*claps* your very talented. I love the utwig.
The Penetrator is supposed to resemble a dildo. Yours is good, but do you think a miniature version of that would fit in there comfortably? I think not. Not smooth enough, too many bumps. You fail Syreen architecture school.
The Utwig drawing is especially nice.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2004, 06:43:38 am by Shiver »
As far as the design of the Penetrator is concerned. Well, I guess that depends on what you like 
Er, no. I'm not really in the demographic that uses those, being male and all.
Not sure I agree with the linked Elfwood drawing of a full-body Spathi. Paul and Fred did say that Spathi, like clams, have a single muscular foot, and I just think the idea of a Spathi slithering around madly on a sluglike lower body is funny.
I like your Mmrrnrmhrrm design. Very modular, alien and mechanical, though I did mistake it for a Kohr-Ah Marauder at first. The Utwig are also good; for the ZFP, they are cute, though I miss the idea of the middle guy having an enormous eye and being able to see much more clearly than the other two, but, being unable to speak, having a hard time communicating this information.
That notwithstanding, this is amazing art. Kudos to you.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
WOW, excellent draws, keep up the good work!
Posts: 580

Excuse me, while I go and get my lower jaw back.. It dropped, ysee...
*mumbling in the background...
Ah! Got it! Well, all I can say is that... You own!  Seriously, that's all a damn nice piece of work you've got there! Now I only wonder, how you made the colored ones. They look so nice... I'd love to see a full-sized-version (probably in perspective?) of your Mother Ark.. That thing looks so damn nice.. But I'm sure it's not an easy task..
The supox looks nice, too.. Same for the Utwig, but I think it looks too much like a badger.. (the shape of it's mask and all) 
Okay, here are some resources for the Spathi:
The Spathi physique is slight and soft, with the vital organs being covered by a hard shell surface. Spathi have large, humanoid eyes atop stiff thick stalks that protrude from their central body mass at odd angles. When alarmed Spathi ooze copious amounts of unpleasant fluid from their pores. (from's Sc2 database)
 I wonder if that's from one of the original Sc2 manual authors... It seems like it is, because of the "Kick Me" sign looking rather.. edited.. The Umgah also looks like it's edited in, so it seems as if this is the number 1 evidence of how a Spathi looks like from below.. You might want to ask Fred Ford of Paul Reiche III for help on this, though..
About the Mycon: Mycon don't need the ability to walk. In fact, they don't need ship maintenance, as the ship "lives".... Removing the legs would make sense...
Get the Sc2 manual here, for more info about the races and all:
Good luck with your project, I think it might turn out into something fun..  No.. It IS going to turn out into something fun.. 
Posts: 520

Thanks a lot for the feedback!
It almost seems like the spathi has many eyestalks drom that description. My guess is that the artists weren't that well coordinated (noticed how the cockpit Yehat has finger joints on different places btw?)
I'm not following the original designs too strictly. They're very inconsistant so I need to tie them together, not only render-wise but design-wise too, which means I need to do some changes here and there (the smaller the better). I'm also utilizing some artistic freedom and taste, because it's fun.
For the Spathi size I thought half the size of a human max. They just look and act small to me. It would be boring if all aliens are almost the same size.
It's a pretty good Spathi body configuration on that SC1 comic image. No shell though. Maybe I'll use a red shell (because it's the hull color of their ship) and 6 little tentacle legs.
The Mycon has a quite humanoid shape on the comic art. see
Updated the page a bit with planets (near bottom).
I got some notes on how I color on my site... or maybe not, I'm a little lazy with updating...
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