I finished my Star Control 2 Guide today and GameFAQs now hosts it without a hitch.
If you notice any typos or errors, this would be a good place to post them. Much better than clogging up my e-mail.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2004, 03:18:20 am by Shiver »
Captain Smith
Very good and extensive. I do have several "disagreements" (mainly stuff to change if you're going for an "easy" walkthrough), but I can write them up when I get more time.
The one I will mention right off the bat that is more to "forgotten error" status - you neglect the Spathi cypher in section 2.4. If the player doesn't have it from Fwiffo (i.e. blows Fwiffo away), they'll have to get it in some other manner. If they come there without the Spathi cypher they WILL get attacked at the homeworld.
Agent Smith: Not quite accurate. Fwiffo tells you the secret cypher right after your lander comes back. One could blow him away and still be allowed to speak to the High Council.
Posts: 817
excellent job Shiver. read it top to bottom. congrats on such a fine job.
Moronic Maria :D
Zebranky food

Posts: 31

Hi sup
No complaints here. Great work, Shiver.
But what if they never find Fwiffo?
You can't not find Fwiffo. Hayes tells you to check Pluto after a month or so from the start and the walkthrough directs you to go there long before that.
It's pretty obvious that the Solar System map only includes relatively large, interesting objects -- otherwise there would be literally thousands of tiny asteroids, gas giant satellites, and so on to mine. I don't think it was ignorance, for example, that led TFB to leave out Phobos and Deimos from around Mars or Charon from around Pluto.
As far as whether there's a 10th planet; a big, gas giant Planet X is pretty much impossible -- if it were there we would've detected its gravitational effects long ago. (You could have a Planet X that revolved around the Sun in a different plane from all the other planets, but that's considered unlikely.) If by a 10th planet you mean another Pluto-like object, we've already found over 800 of them; the whole swathe of little iceballs is called the Kuiper belt. It's only tradition that leads us to call Pluto a "planet" and the others not, since Pluto's barely bigger than objects like Quaoar and Sedna.
Interestingly, the asteroid Ceres is, in the game's history, important enough to be the original outpost station for humans and last line of defense for Earth's sphere of influence, and yet the game's Solar System map doesn't consider it important enough to let you visit it. I'd rather see Ceres added to some mod map than have Quaoar or Sedna added. (Also on my wishlist is actually being able to visit the Precursor station that humans supposedly found in orbit around Alpha Centauri, and maybe to find remains of the Mmrrnmhrrm colony the Spathi mentioned, just because we get so few chances in the game to learn anything at all about the robots.)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Shiver, it is absolutely irrelevant whether you keep the Pkunk from finding the Yehat before the revolution starts. Though yes it is a good idea to keep them around if you want later gifts.
Also, why do you advise the 'flying bomb' configuration to include two hi-eff fuel tanks? You can do just fine with one low-efficiency tank... But you do correctly point out it doesn't much matter.
DUDE why advise them to sell Fwiffo? You can't perfect 3 marauders and 3 dreads with a Chmmr, but with Fwiffo it can be done, or nearly so. Keep the Spathi!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2004, 02:04:56 am by Death_999 »