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Topic: An entirely random thread. (Read 2232 times)
Ki. Zor.
Hi. I've had an idea that just screams "sleep deprivation!" I do think that it holds some coolness value, though. Hear me out.
Here's a hypothetical situation. Let's say that on their Death March the Kohr-Ah found the Arilou homeworld or otherwise came close enough to force the greenies to evacuate, giving you an opportunity to examine the world closer.
What I envision Faliayarafali - or whatever - to look like is a somewhat psychedelic collection of various shapes and patterns, with more hues than a Rainbow World. Notable terrain features could be an ernomous, entirely black, round area, patterns like checkerboard or repeating obscure symbols, an ridiculously high mountain peak, and an area shaped like a human face that's slowly moving. Changing its expression and all. Feasiblity isn't that much of a concern this being entirely hypothetical. Scans could show some quite interesting results. Maybe a mineral scan would reveal a strange scribble that repeats on several places, or a bioscan could make the whole thing grow green. So, you select a lander spot, one loads up, blasts off, touches down...
... and sinks. Keep in mind that the landers are capable of traversing oceans with no difficulty. Some members of the science team get a headache, then you leave orbit.
So. Whaddya think? What'd you put on the planet yourself?
...but when you look at a Rainbow World from normal space it looks yellow.
Traversing Falayaralfali, I think, should be disquietingly Earth-like. Make a half-recognizable continent or two. Energyscanning makes the whole _map_ light up, though, and there are a few biological hotspots that aren't visible on the actual landing screen. No minerals, at all, or perhaps there are one or two rainbow-colored minerals that when you get back to the ship convert to biological data.
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