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SC3 remake?
« on: October 22, 2004, 05:10:27 pm »

I know UQM forum isn't the best place for this, but atleast here people might know what I'm talking about.

I have tried UQM, fell in love with it, have spread the addiction for few friends and googled. With google I found mentions about SC3. It had things like 3d combat, colonies instead of resource gathering and it explained things like precursors' vanishing, Orz/Ariloulaleelay relationship etc. As a game, however, it was pretty bad, or so it seems: bad music, dull colors. claymotion aliens (?!), bad story (hyperspace doesn't work, only YOUR ship can go to other places and the Evil Ones are coming!), you had to wait for colonies to make fuel, the *feeling* was different.

So, there I was hoping that it would have been a good game. And I knew Ur-Quan Masters, a great remake. So it occured to me it would be nice to have a remake/ what-it-should-have-been of SC3.

Do any of you have any experiences about SC3 - would it be worth it? What about 3d Super Melee? Were the new ships/races interesting? Why would those different races leave their home in this part of the galaxy, where would they go?

What I thought about it, without having played 3 and without completing SC1, SC2 or even UQM (yet!  Wink ):
Only plot I could come up with ´would be Vindicator being sent to break the Ur-Quan Slave Shields of the thousands of planets Ur-Quan closed. That would also explain the need for you to make colonies: even if they had techniques to create craft that could go to space they wouldn't be able to transport enough people to colonize new planets. I would like it to have colonies as option, not as requirement, though: you could use landers, but also use colonies as the Star Base. Also, colonies would slowly gather RUs, so if you were stuck you could just wait for a while. That would become boring without a bigger goal, but that would make out most of the game.

The alien animations would be hard part, they would have to be good and there wouldn't be much to check for guidance. SC1 and 2, mainly. I have no idea have much work there would be in the graphics, as I have never seen them in action.

In any case, does anyone of you have any ideas? Or maybe there are some volunteers? BTW, I'm not volunteering for anything - I have enough unfinished "projects" already, and my skills aren't that great.

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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2004, 08:02:57 pm »

While a remake would be VERY welcome, I don't think anyone else is doing it, though it has been brought up quite a few times. I do know that there are sequals being done - namely the Aftermath (A GREAT game), Timewarp (Melee looks ok, but nothing else has been released yet) and one other project which is in the same stage as Timewarp.

EDIT: Its called TW-Light.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2004, 08:04:17 pm by FalconMWC » Logged
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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2004, 10:50:51 pm »

the problem in SC3 is that the original creators of 1 and 2 didn't make it. Therefore the team that created it, made many aspects of SC2 completely pointless and just fucked it all up...
the 3d melee sucks too, and for long times you just need to wait doing nothing.

the game is not bad, it's just bad compared to the quality and fun in Sc2.
but it doesnt matter cuz it doesn't feel like an offical sequel, even if it is trademarked as SC3.

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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2004, 11:31:07 pm »

Having never played SC3, I'm only working from other's opinions....It isn't Canon, so It isn't REALLY a maybe in the future it will be remade, but I don't see it happening, unfortunately...

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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2004, 12:06:00 am »

That's the direction TimeWarp:Legacies is going in (part of TW-Light). As far as I understand it, they want to create a sequel to UQM that is not a remake of SC3.
I'm currently looking into writing dialogue for that project, so maybe I'll be able to tell you more later on. I think some of the TW-Light developers hang out on these forums. One's bound to pop by sometime.

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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2004, 01:49:47 pm »

The "3D Melee" was just an isometric view.  It was awkward to fly.

SC3's storyline, especially it's Orz/Arliou/Precurser connections were horrid.

I like the colonizing idea.  HOWEVER, they needed to do it so it was worth it.  Shouldn't wait so long for fuel!

As for the aliens...  The human looked inbred and the Syreen...  She'd give you nightmares. Embarrassed
Sander Scamper
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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2004, 05:24:37 pm »

They RUINED the syreen? NOOOOO0000000ooooooo!

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"Space is a dangerous place where wimps eat flaming plasma death" -The Zot....or is it the Fot?? We may never know...unless the guy in the back tells us!

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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2004, 02:14:01 am »

Okay, so SC3 was bad and it would be better to have something closer to "real" SC games than remake of SC3. I heard about Timewarp and Aftermath, so atleast this wasn't total waste of my time! (might have been of yours, though! Wink  )
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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2004, 04:19:54 am »


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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2004, 06:24:36 am »

Syreen: <image removed for the sake of decency>

Arrghh! Orrrg! Heeeearrrghh! Blarrrghhhh!!!
My eyes- they burn...

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Sander Scamper
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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2004, 01:39:37 pm »

*runs screaming into the distance*

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"Space is a dangerous place where wimps eat flaming plasma death" -The Zot....or is it the Fot?? We may never know...unless the guy in the back tells us!

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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2004, 04:29:25 pm »

If you're really bored and sad, you can get Sc3 from HOTU...
Sander Scamper
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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2004, 07:37:44 pm »

If I ever got that sad and bored, I expect that suicide would come first =/

"Oops!" KA-BOOM!!

"Space is a dangerous place where wimps eat flaming plasma death" -The Zot....or is it the Fot?? We may never know...unless the guy in the back tells us!

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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2004, 03:09:37 am »

*badum ching*

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Re: SC3 remake?
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2004, 06:46:19 am »

Told you that she'd give you nightmares.
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