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Topic: Aliens in scifi (Read 7581 times)
I have noticed that aliens dont usually appear anymore in the manys scifi games or tv series. even if there are, There are only human looking aliens in scifi (usually in Star Trek/anime) which is quite boring. Also hostile aliens usually outnumber the friendly ones.
Big space corporations and earth vs mars colony wars seem to bee more frequent... Am I wrong to think that maybe aliens are out of fashion? or are we becoming more ethnocentric/xenophobic?
I really loved the Alien races in Star Control 2, like the Melnorme or the Spathi! So imaginative, unlike in the mainstream scifi.
what are your thoughts on this?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 109
SC2 wasn't _that_ original; it did draw pretty heavy inspiration from other sources.
I think you are definitely right about less aliens these days in sci-fi, but I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with it. I think writers realized they didn't *have* to have tons of prosthetics to explore ideas relevant to human beings. Obviously just having aliens around isn't an end unto itself. We have plenty of our own cultures that we can have sci-fi with only humans and still avoid ethnocentrism.
To see what I mean check out the new Battlestar Galactica series that started airing in the UK some weeks back. It and Firefly are the finest sci-fi shows I've seen in the past 10 years.
/dodges onrush of screaming B5 and Farscape fans
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Posts: 170
Shofixti Scoutmaster
Perhaps you should actually watch an episode and see for yourself.
Vulcans are cold hard and logical, Romulans are paranoid beyond belief, Klingons live for honour and glory, the borg are a hive intelligence that seeks to incorporate all life within itself, Risans are pleasure seeking beings whilst the Cardassians are sinister AND paranoid.
Humans do encompass some of the behaviour exhibited but never to the degree shown in any of the alien races.
Unless you meant building starships and conflicting with one another. In which case I might ask what storyline could be maintained for very long "Went to this planet, went to that planet, looked over there, looked over here" etc.
Unless I've misinterpreted something...
The Star Trek aliens are more "cultural aliens" than physical.
If you visit the sea and you clam "where is your leader", you may not even receive a laugh. Why would you find anything different in other planets?
Why would humans be enemies of other aliens? Why would aliens want to conquer us? Aren't we like sea animals? At most they would hunt us. If they want us alive, they will build a matrix.
If aliens start to destroy Earth, they might be terraforming, just like Mycon did in the Syreen homeworld.
It is really stupid to have space wars with aliens.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2005, 05:41:35 am » |
Starflight, Starcontrol and Starcraft have nice compliments of non-humanoids. (We'll have to see what the Xel'Naga end up as, though.)
Not many movies, The Thing (1982 remake) and Forbidden Planet (even though you never saw the krell.) As guess Alien counts too.
Frungy champion
Posts: 60
Deep fried Lemur, anyone?
Aliens in star trek...yeah, romulans and cardassians were Communists. That's really all there was to that. It appealed to audiences when that was first aired.
Like OxDecode quoted, the reason for humanoid aliens is having humanoid actors GREATLY in the majority. While creepy, strange, and bizarre shapes are always entertaining, they just aren't practical.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 170
Shofixti Scoutmaster
The klingons represented communism in ToS, the Romulans were based culturally at least, on Roman civilisation.
Later on, in TNG and DS9, it became apparent that Cardassians were closer to communism and that klingons were closer to ancient asian cultures.
Also, if my memory serves me, wasnt there a precursor-like race in Star Trek that seeded life throughout the cosmos and hence the inherent similarity between humanoid life forms?
Zebranky food
Posts: 39
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Yes, they had their own form of Precursors.
Cardassians, IMO, are closer to Fascism/Nazism than Communism.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Star Trek was just the Forbidden Planet tv series. Thus, they are Krell.
Krell = Ancients = Precursors = Forerunners = Xel'Naga
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Not exactly the Xel'naga, because they only created the protoss and zerg, not the humans.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
None of those I listed created us. Only a series as stupid as star trek would try to explain its pithetic low budget in such a way. You see, we have this little thing called the fossil record.
What I'm talking about are the "impossibly advanced" species which built a lot of crazy shit, before getting killed by their own minds, getting burned as fuel, going off to another dimension, commiting suicide to escape infestation, or not escaping infestation.
There are so many mysterious but extict aliens in scifi. Like those aliens in Total Recall and Stargate, even species in classic space rpg computer games like the poor little Legk.
Frungy champion
Posts: 60
Deep fried Lemur, anyone?
David Brin's uplift novels are almost entirely based on the principle of other races evolving lower life forms to sentience. It's probably such a common concept because it's so entertaining.
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