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Author Topic: the kor-ah are killing everybody!  (Read 4457 times)

the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« on: November 08, 2004, 10:20:36 am »

argh, i didnt put my email and it erased my message which was lovingly crafted. heres the crappily crafted version:

whats the deal, the kor-ah are going around killing everyone and i dont know how to stop them and none of the walkthroughs say anything about this, and whats the point of the game if you cant save all of the aliens from being wiped out. this is why i quit the game 10 years ago when i first played it, and maybe the internet can save me now...
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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2004, 10:45:11 am »

There's sort of a time limit, when you reach it, Kohr-Ah starts their 'cleansing'.

Although there's a few advantages, such as certain guarded items being made available, it's probably better if you just complete the game faster. It's quite easy once you know what to to.

Of course you have to replay the game from the start again.
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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2004, 10:45:40 am »

You're just like me- you took your time while playing. On my first time through, I spent several years mining and making contact with only a few races. I made very little progress on any of the side quests, and before I knew it the Kohr-ah were cleansing the galaxy! Just to let you know, the game's not over until your starbase is destroyed. I had invested a lot of time into the game and I wanted to beat it even if it meant that other races were destroyed, and I found the SC2 LAZY Walkthrough, which is at the bottom of the Star Control II Speed FAQ Tongue. This will show you how to salvage your game, if you are interested in doing so. Be warned that this is not as fun as figuring everything out yourself, but doing so would require you to backtrack (load an old savegame) to buy time.

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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2004, 06:00:20 pm »

Darn Kohr Ah...Every now and then they just get the odd notion that its spring cleaning time and off they go again...*sigh*

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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2004, 09:34:29 pm »

i see that as a flaw of the game that you cant do it right until you screw up and have to start the game over. theres just no way you can mine to get up enough power to do all this stuff on time unless you know what youre supposed to do beforehand. playing the game over is the same as using a walkthrough: you know whats going to happen.
but its amazing for their first adventure game, too bad they blew nailing it in starcontrol 3... i think its because the new graphics made it lose all of its charm...
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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2004, 10:16:19 pm »

theres just no way you can mine to get up enough power to do all this stuff on time unless you know what youre supposed to do beforehand.

I beg to differ. I did make it on my first attempt, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that regard. Although exploration and mining is a charming pasttime, sooner or later you get the feeling that you ought to get the plot moving...

I don't think so, therefore I'm probably not.
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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2004, 10:32:45 pm »

I beat SC2 without any race dying on my first try back when I got it on the 3DO.  Smiley

It's quite possible to do.  I actually didn't know about the cleansing til the second time.  I never even saw what happens when they reach Sol til only a couple months ago.  lol
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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2004, 11:20:11 pm »


whats the deal, the kor-ah are going around killing everyone and i dont know how to stop them...

hahahaahhahahaha  Grin

excuse me, it's just that I always find it quite amusing when someone re-posts this statement Wink

I urge you to search the forum for similiar cases.. hehehe
« Last Edit: November 08, 2004, 11:20:43 pm by Censored » Logged

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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2004, 12:27:04 am »

I never even saw what happens when they reach Sol til only a couple months ago.  lol

You know, now that you mention it, I STILL haven't seen that. Maybe I should try it some day.

I don't think so, therefore I'm probably not.
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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2004, 12:37:23 am »

theres just no way you can mine to get up enough power to do all this stuff on time unless you know what youre supposed to do beforehand..

Not really. If you read Hayes' advice on where to mine, and follow the plot clues intently, you will be able to finish with time to spare. One of the earliest things you find is that the Ilwrath were preying on some species in the south. If you find them, and bring back the 4 ships they give you, that's 8000 RU right there. Plus their system is loaded.

Some quick questions:

How many thrusters did you get? If you didn't max out, you would end up being caught by the probes, and THAT would really screw everything up

Did you spend money on capital ship armaments early on? If you don't make your flagship completely unstoppable, it is much more cost-effective to build support ships instead. Like, 3 dynamos and a single ion cannon is about as much as 7 earthling cruisers. Guess which can do more damage and take more punishment.

Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2004, 01:50:00 am »

yeah there were a few key things that i didnt know about ie. being able to sell fuel, ships, and escape from battles... maybe hayes mentioned some of that stuff but sometimes people would just go on and on and i would just skip it...

after everquest theres no point in getting imersed in a finite plotline...

i made most of my $ from killing probes, just let them come right at me and blast them with my flagship, they circle me and i finish them with my side cannons. i never used a back cannon or a laser defense. i noticed that the ur-quan were smart enough not to send their fighter pods when i had them and i could get them in a line and take them out with my side cannons, mmm hmm hmm. i never used any other ship in fact, theyre all too damn useless, i was really annoyed that you never make an alliance with any useful ships until you have an uber flagship and the game isnt a challenge.
i didnt like to mine cause i thought it was just too damn boring and tedious... maybe time went too fast cause i spent most of it in hyperspace waiting to be ambushed by probes...

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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2004, 02:39:52 am »

yeah there were a few key things that i didnt know about ie. being able to sell fuel, ships, and escape from battles... maybe hayes mentioned some of that stuff but sometimes people would just go on and on and i would just skip it...

So, what you're saying is that since you didn't know how to play the game and didn't think to gather clues, you couldn't win. Big surprise.

after everquest theres no point in getting imersed in a finite plotline...

What is the interest in an INfinite plotline? It'll always be more of the same, forever. Wow.

i didnt like to mine cause i thought it was just too damn boring and tedious... maybe time went too fast cause i spent most of it in hyperspace waiting to be ambushed by probes...

That would do it.
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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2004, 03:38:37 am »

Well, if you hate mining I have a couple of suggestions for you:

1. ALL you need for defeatomg most enemy ships without getting hit is Fwiffo. Just practice for a while in super-melee and you will find ways to fool the computer to run in your butt shots( I don't remember the full name). Then, just mine enough so you could get full thrusters and enough RU for crew and fuel. The rest of the RU you could get alone the way by beating alien ships.

2. If you can't manage to do it(or you just don't want to do it either), you can use cheats ONLY to add enough RU ( and bio if you hate that too ). I myself used it one time because I just wanted to finish it without mining. There is nothing wrong with that.
Here is the link:  (errr wtf ponaf is down). Oh well check this thread :;action=display;num=1099411559

Have fun!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2004, 03:43:12 am by Deep_Jiffa » Logged

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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2004, 12:27:29 pm »

Actually as far as mining goes, if you get good at the game, the mining shouldn't take very long at all if you choose to do it.  I know with how I'm playing the game anymore, I probably hit 2 or 3 planets total to fulfill my RU needs for the whole game (and know many more to really stockpile the RU).  In fact, I really concentrate on getting RU while being reasonably fast, I can usually finish (meaning get to the Chmmr bomb part of the game with a maxed out death star flagship & formidable fleet) with around 100K RU left over.

So if mining is such an annoyance, maybe you need to look at how you're approaching the game.  Usually if you remember profit as a major motive (you can LOSE RU in mining some systems), then the mining thing gets a lot easier.

Well, if you hate mining I have a couple of suggestions for you:

« Last Edit: November 10, 2004, 12:35:24 pm by Captain_Smith » Logged
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Re: the kor-ah are killing everybody!
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2004, 04:10:11 pm »

EverQuest had a storyline? Jeez, and I thought it was just well...crap, for the 3 years that I played it.
Also, f you dont have the patience to at least read the text given, maybe this isnt the game for you.

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