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Topic: The Crew (Read 1455 times)
The Crew
« on: January 05, 2005, 04:02:22 am » |
Hey guys, i just downloaded sc2 and i love it, but how the heck do u get new crewmembers from the space station? Im running out..
Zebranky food

Posts: 38

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I love it too! Here's how you recrew.
1. Go to star base.
2. Go to Shipyard.
3. Next, there is a square at the bottom right of the screen which you can change by using the arrow keys. Select the one that says "Fleet."
4. Next a ship will be highlighted. Again you can change the highlighted ship using the arrow keys. Select the one you want to adjust.
5. All the ships have a number underneath them. The number is the crew number. You can change this by using the arrow keys. UP boosts your crew. DOWN sends crew back.
This should answer your question, but here is a tip: Buy crew pods (2000 RU) to increase the amount of crew you can carry.
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