Topic: Arilou and the Orz: What's the Deal? *spoilers* (Read 100745 times)
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Just because Orz has been explained as one 4+D creature doesn't take away its mystery. I would think it adds to it. Explaining it as "dimensionally traveling bacteria" or something we can comprehand easily smacks of Star-Wars Metachlorians.
Zebranky food

Posts: 17

The Path of Now and Until Next Tuesday
Responding to the original post by Soviet_Inclination:
In general, you have to consider where the Orz and Arilou are coming from. I teach English as a second language and often find my students making well-meaning errors of speech (like confusing take and get - pretty understandable - then using it in a phrasal verb, like "I take it!"). They are using words that humans don't use (much).
1) Arilou from Above
It sounds like the Arilou and Orz are both from other dimensions. Not the same one, but both different from this one..
Remember when humans first started to realize how big space was? We had a hard time defining direction - which way is UP? Which way is NORTH? Suddenly, we had to invent a whole new set of terms - but even today, most laymen prefer to use 'right'. 'left', 'up' and 'down'. So it's hardly surprising that the Orz might, as well.
2) We seek to trap *Nggn*
I don't think this is important. Some people have noted that the Orz say something like this when they get angry, but I don't know if the two are actually related. It sounds like a hobby for the Arilou, just to reinforce how *ALIEN* they are to us humans. It's kind of refreshing, after meeting so many "humans in funny hats".
3) Orz translation
There is a good stab at this already:;action=display;num=1061290648
It alone will answer some of your questions.
4) What ARE the Orz?
I concur; the Orz are probably a single interdimensional entity. Ever played Rifts?
5) Taalo time tricks
I always figured that the Taalo escaped from the Ur-Quan the only way they knew - by time travelling. I remember some other hints that made me think that the Arilou were also time travellers.
I always figured that either the Taalo had travelled to another time, or had entered a different 'phase' in the same time - ala the Flash from the old, old DC comics. Some other people have suggested that they are endlessly replaying their final moments, hoping that someone can come, break the loop, and save them at the same time (*sequel idea*).
6) What does it mean when the Orz say that the Arilou are always *jumping in front*?
My guess is that the Orz keep trying to break into this world only to find the Arilou already there, waiting for them, to stop them, from wreaking havoc with them. This makes a lot of sense if the Orz and Arilou really DO travel in time.
7) Again, what DID happen to the Androsynth?
I believe the Androsynth opened up a portal to Quasispace, whereupon they encountered the Orz. Not having the same protection given to humans by the Arilou, the Androsynth "smelled" good to them, and they tried to drag the Androsynth to them - exchanging places in the process, or possibly just possessing the Androsynth and taking their place.
I suspect the latter, and that it happened gradually, which would explain the "land war" your scouts suggested. If the Androsynth on the ground became Orz, their former cousins might well have fired on them, hoping to turn back the inevitable tide.
Hope this helps!
Scanning Anomaly
Posts: 627

Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep.
oh well.. as long as I'm here 
Well if they are manipulating humans, I think they have no concept of morals. Both (Orz and Arilou) do almost whatever they please.
concerning Arilou morals - if I remember correctly from the game, I think they hint you at some point that they "need" humans (in order to survive?) and thus morals can be questioned. however, they do say they changed humans so they would not be "seen". Is that a moral deed? did they do that to protect us humans or to protect themselves? (by not letting "it" invade this dimension). have they been hiding here from "it" ?
you can't really tell what the Arilou are or their purpose. Also, considering they are far ancient than humans, you'd guess they have evolved 'beyond' morals, or at least our definition of it. so, you can't really judge their acts from the moral view of it.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2004, 04:51:52 pm by Censored »
"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid? Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
I think the Arlou need our ?DNA? to survive in because they are have mutations in their DNA. I personally think that the moment the Arlou get what they want from us they will leave. - For good.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Aaugh! No, no, no! "The Arilou want our DNA" is a plot idea wholely from SC3.
The closest the SC2 Arilou Lalee'lay come to saying that they need soemthing from us is this:
But as to your question... our relationship To call our interaction with your kind an experiment would be much too simple and impersonal. Let us just say that we have a vested interest in your... development. You are one of our... extended family, just as other sentients in other dimensions have their extended families. We are proud of you as you would be of your children, and some day well, I have said too much already. It seems to imply that their interest in us is because of a interdimensional-familial bond. Maybe like the bond a US citizen and a Brit would feel if they bumped into each other in the middle of Africa.
What gives your people the right to interfere with mine? What gives you the right to move, the right to fall? Some acts are motivated, others are automatic. Do not presume that you can decide which is which for anyone but yourself or you will be... disappointed. As further evidence, the arilou imply that what they did is not something that they decided to do, or were compelled to do, but that they were following Natural Law (of our universe or theirs) by changing our smell. If they _chose_ to use our DNA, then their experiments wouldn't be automatic.
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Aaugh!  No, no, no! "The Arilou want our DNA" is a plot idea wholely from SC3.
OK - Here is the story for all people. I have played SC2 before SC3, HOWEVER I got frusturated by SC2 because I was having trouble with a certain part and I am personally against walkthroughs. So I started on SC3 and beat it without trouble (I did use a walkthrough for that because I heard it was not good at all) Anyway the resulting factor is I have the SC3 ideas in my head first. So if any of you see me trying to include SC3 in any of my ideas then please slap me with a pillow! 
Now on topic: I still have not figured out, if the Orz DID NOT "took / killed" the Androsynth then then why are they so touchy about it? And why are the Arlou so willing to talk about it. (Of course the could be lying).
Off Topic: When it comes to SC3, I liked the story line. Now before you guys flame me - I want you to consider this. I liked the idea of the Precursors coming back. Now I think that they did not do it properly at all - I think that only the creators of SC2 can do it right. That went for a number of I ideas in the game. Now a number of the ideas were just bad, bad, bad, But just remember this before every is on be for bringing up SC3 (by accident)! (Yes, you still have permission to hit me with a pillow).
« Last Edit: February 07, 2004, 06:39:54 pm by FalconMWC »
Posts: 1059

Avatar Courtesy of Slyrendro
Finally someone who agrees with on SC3!!!
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
The idea of explaining the precursers is not bad on its own, but is a very very broad idea. The way they did it is what I don't like at all.