Good point, personally I would have just stuck with the auto-map, and certain obstactles disappear only when you get certain items, i was tring to avoid the power grip, but there is an obstacle in Norfair that stays there till you get it, try a low-percentage run there is one for 15%(no more than 15 power-ups/expansions/energy tanks) normal is a cake walk, hard however is a completely different story. Call me slow or whatever, but I only beat(straight through not the "JUSTIN" code) the original Metroid a couple of months ago, after having it for 18 years. Don't smash MZM so much it's not like they forced you into different areas, like in Fusion. Anyway the "jingle" is at http://dl.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?classicgaming/mdb/music/m1/02 - Metroid. I used it as a Win Startup sound, back when i could download off of fileplanet.