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Topic: SC2 in Japanese (Read 29964 times)
Aya Reiko
Zebranky food

Posts: 36

Bewitching Smile Amethyst
Heard anything yet? About how long does it take them to reply when they do?
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
I've got Paul's permission to quote his emails verbatim, so here goes:
My original question:
Just a quick question: Do you have the rights to the voices and fonts of the Japanese release of SC2 for the 3DO, and if so, do we have your permission to distribute them like we distribute the English ones?
Serge His reply:
Hi Serge,
Man, I don't really know the answer to that question -- especially the Japanese font -- because we contracted the Japanese version to Free Fall Games, and I don't know what kind of legal encumberances might exist. I don't think anyone on the planet will give you a hard time about using the VO and font though, but that's just my opinion.
Hope that helps!
- Paul My reply:
Hi Paul,
On Tue, 6 Feb 2007, Reiche, Paul wrote: > Man, I don't really know the answer to that question -- especially the
> Japanese font -- because we contracted the Japanese version to Free > Fall Games, and I don't know what kind of legal encumberances might > exist. I don't think anyone on the planet will give you a hard time > about using the VO and font though, but that's just my opinion.
I realise that with legal matters there is no problem if nobody makes a problem out of it, but I consider it a courtesy to ask for permission if that is at all possible.
And we wouldn't only want to distribute those files ourselves, but also to be able to give people permission to redistribute the files, preferably under the same license as the English files.
You say that you contracted the Japanese version to Free Fall Games; does that mean that you hired them to make the Japanese version, or did they license the game from you to make the translation?
Serge His reply:
It gets a little complicated... and kinda ironic...
Accolade licensed Star Control II to Crystal Dynamics so that Fred and I could make a 3DO version (funny, huh?) Crystal Dynamics then paid Fred, myself and other 3rd party contractors to create the 3DO versions. Does Crystal therefore have some 'performance' rights in the recordings of both Japanese and English VO? Good question! That would depend on the specific details of the agreement between Accolade and Crystal Dynamics, which I don't know exactly. Most such licenses require that any 'new rights' created while exploiting the license are automatically transferred to the license owner (Accolade), however all copyrights for Star Control II belong to Fred and myself, so it is likely that we do in fact control the rights to the VO. At least that's the way I see it, but I am infamous for my 'creative' interpretations of reality. Sometime ask Fred about my polar bear theory.
To the extent that Fred and I can permit you to use the Japanese recorded VO, we hereby do so!
- Paul (Universe 17, Galaxy 356, planet 4)
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Paul's responses raise more questions than they answer: Who hired the voice actors? If TFB hired them (including the Japanese actors), they probably own the copyright on the voice (unless Japanese copyright law and/or some contract says otherwise). What rights did TFB sign away to Accolade and Crystal Dynamics?
All things considered, it wouldn't surprise me much if UQM in its current form were found to be in violation of Crystal Dynamics' and/or Accolade's copyright (whoever owns them now).
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
I'm willing to help with anything Japanese-related that may come up, and I'm sure there are a couple of others on this forum too. I don't check here very often, so drop me an email when/if something comes up
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
Much as I hate to dredge up such an ancient behemoth, since this is the only SC2j thread with any appreciable amount of information, I have to ask;
It's been five years, is there any progress? I can only dream of playing SC2 in my favourite language.
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