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Topic: SC2 in Japanese (Read 29951 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I think 1:Fwiffo 2:Utwig 3:Hayes 4:Ilwrath 5:Orz 6:Pkunk 7:Yehat Rebel 8:Zoq-fot-pik 9:Umgah 10:Syreen
« Last Edit: July 16, 2005, 06:32:14 pm by jp »
okay i think that
number 7 is the yehat rebel line describing the vux/admiral zex number 5 is orz(pretty sure) number 9 is the umgah speaking on their plan to use the the talking pet to make spathi attack the vux. number 8 is zoq-fot-pik "frungy frungy!" number 3 is propably commander hayes number 10 is of course talana and the "space monster" scene.
still trying to figure out the others
Ooh! Ooh!
2 is the Utwig when they get the Ultron back!
See, you can hear the whole "Augh! He taunts us with the shell of its glory! - Wait - the blinking is faimiliar - it's working again! O joy!" type thing they pull.
Maybe. I could be wrong.
Hmm...3 is when he's talking about the top-secret Star Control mission to Androsynth space
5 is the Orz going "Nnnnnngggaaaaaa! It is *dancing*"
9 is, actually, the Umgah talking about using the Talking Pet to make the Spathi attack the Vux. They also mention Dogar and Kazon and the Hyperwave caster in both the English line and the Japanese sample.
hmmm still trying to figure out number 4 and 6
Is number 6 arilou? number 4 pkunk maybe? i have no idea of the exact lines, yet...
i hope number 4 is not ilwrath, definately doesn't suit their character.
hey how about some more samples after we solve these, eh? pleease!
Zebranky food

Posts: 11

some kind of perv-- er... aesthete
Eee, awesome. ZEX sounds so upset. Guessing from the little Frungy line, do the Zoq-Fot-Pik sound like bickering children? Because that would be adorable. I thought I'd throw out some of my guesses for some of the mystery lines so far.
Is number 6 the Pkunk? I think it's their "did you know there's an invisible pixie on your head?" line. I thought that 4 was the VUX, but with ZEX's clip as comparison, they don't seem to match completely...hmm. If it's not them, I'm not sure who else it could be...I hear "Ilwrath" in there, but maybe not. Hmm.
-Edit NO WAIT I think that 4 is the Ilwrath! What was it, when yer screwing with them with the 'caster. "It Shall Be So, Great Ones. Yuubuu Are Mighty! Yuubuu Are The Most Hideous And Deceitful! We Ilwrath Are Too Fortunate To Have Yuubuu To Worship!" That line!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2006, 01:42:35 am by Zarla »
Funkmeister - Spathi: Hello, hunam. What would you like to threaten me about today? Captain: ... Captain: PUNCHING YOU IN THE EYE, SPATHI. Captain: I BET IT FEELS LIKE PUNCHING JELLY Captain: WE'RE COMING ABOARD TO FIND OUT Spathi: AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Zebranky food

Posts: 13

Sadly, I don't seem to remember the story of SC2 very well, so I don't really know what happens when. I _vaguely_ remember a monster getting loose, though, and this sample is most likely that situation. *sigh* Well, I'll have to play through it anyway to get to the text used in the Japanese version! 
For those interested:
「くかん・・・、なぜわしのメインコンソルが作動しないのだ? (*京王)システムコンピュータが破損しているとはどういうことだ!? なぜ!(*動物)か?(**いさっと)!?アラームを鳴らすんだこのやろ! 今どこにいる?!(**きっこい)!(**ほごく)せよ!(*奇怪)! くかんー!くかん・・・?聞いてるのか?何を見っとる! こちらに(*集中制)を(**ふか)!何を見てるんだ! わしの・・・!な、な、な、なんだ!!いえぇー!えぇ~、ぇぇ、ぇ、ぇー!」
I transcribed that 30 second clip in about 5 minutes, I guess. Words marked with a single star (*) are ones I'm not quite sure of, while two stars (**) are ones I'm definitely sure are incorrect. I'd have to listen to those parts on repeat for a while to make it out... failing that, I could always ask my wife (who is Japanese, of course). 
Oh, and I'm guessing くかん (Kukan) is the name of the monster?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 169

What can we do for
I think that "Frungy, Frungy!" is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever heard.
Zebranky food

Posts: 13

I had another listen to sample #11 again once I got home. There are a few things wrong with it, so I'll post the fixed version 
「副艦・・・、なぜわしのメインコンソルが作動しないのだ? 中央システムコンピュータが破損しているとはどういうことだ!? なぜ!動物が?逃げてたっと!?アラームを鳴らすんだこのやろ! 今どこにいる?!機関室?報告せよ!機関室! 副艦ー!副艦・・・?聞いてるのか?何を見ておる! こちらに集中せよ、副艦!何を見てるんだ! わしの・・・!な、な、な、なんだ!!いえぇー!えぇ~、ぇぇ、ぇ、ぇー!」
What I had thought was the monster's name (Kukan) was actually fuku-kan, or "Assistant to" the kanchou (the Captain). Once I had that figured out, the rest fell into place.
Anyway, I look forward to transcribing the rest of the game. This is fun! 
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