I'm cross-posting this thread to General Discussion, because I'm a cockbite.
I am most pleased to announce the completion of a "native" OSX port of the Ur-Quan Masters, available here:
It's fairly rough at this point, and I'm looking for bug reports and comments. Â Please download a copy, try it out, and post your results here.
- On the features side, add-on packs are now supported! Â I'm sure everyone will agree, it's about time. Â See the README file in the disk image for instructions on their use.
- The Launcher is now a native Cocoa app, and is integrated with the main application, which means the disappearing/reappearing Dock icon is officially a thing of the past.
- It also uses OSX Frameworks instead of Unix-style shared libs, which eliminates all of the weird hacks that the previous versions employed to make themselves run. Â This version can also be invoked from the command-line with no worries.
- The game now logs its output to the syslog (/var/log/system.log) rather than /tmp/uqm.out  The syslog can be viewed by running the Console utility (under Applications:Utilities)
- On the "step backwards" side, you can no longer save your Launcher settings, or supress the Launcher on startup. Â I'm waiting for coredev to implement the official config file format first, then I'll have the Launcher parse it and set the options.
- I also plan to introduce drag-and-drop add-on installation through the Launcher at a later date.