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Author Topic: Slackware 10 error durring compilation  (Read 2045 times)

Slackware 10 error durring compilation
« on: February 10, 2005, 10:41:59 am »


I'm having an issue compiling the game on my Slackware 10 system.  After untaring and zipping everything and copying the into content/packages, I run "./ uqm" from the uqm-0.3 directory. I then accepted the default settings.
It will do it's thing for about 15 seconds, then I get this:

gcc -o obj/debug/./src/sc2code/libs/graphics/sdl/3do_blt.o -c  -I/usr/local/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/local/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -g -O0 -W -Wall -DDEBUG_TRACK_SEM -DGFXMODULE_SDL -DHAVE_OPENGL  -DSOUNDMODULE_SDL  -DHAVE_ZIP=1  -I src -I src/sc2code -I src/sc2code/libs
gcc: no input files
make: *** [obj/debug/./src/sc2code/libs/graphics/sdl/3do_blt.o] Error 1

I checked the path, and there is indeed no such file "3do_blt.o".

I'm now a bit lost as to how to continue...

I'm running a relatively unmodified version of Slackware 10 with the 2.4.26 kernel on an Athlon XP 3000+.  I have all the libraries needed (such as SDL, zlip, etc.). Let me know if you need more details...

Thanks in advance for anyone who is able to help.

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Re: Slackware 10 error durring compilation
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 11:44:32 am »

As far as I can tell, make is trying to produce obj/debug/./src/sc2code/libs/graphics/sdl/3do_blt.o by compiling no file at all. Thus, gcc complains that it hasn't been given any input files. You should have a file called src/sc2code/libs/graphics/sdl/3do_blt.c and this file should be used in this step. If the file is missing, make can't pass its name to gcc. You probably have a damaged install of the source code. Another possibility is that the build script or the makefile generated by the build script is broken.

I strongly recommend downloading the latest version of UQM from CVS anyway; v0.3 is horribly out of date and trying to compile it is a waste of time.

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Re: Slackware 10 error durring compilation
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2005, 02:54:52 pm »

This used to happen when you interrupted the dependency building process.
Do "./ uqm depend" and wait patiently and your "./ uqm" should go ok. But I recommend you run the CVS version instead.
There are snapshots here if you prefer.

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