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Topic: UQM music in MP3 format? (Read 5773 times)
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Will the old and remixed tracks be available for download as MP3s at some point?
I think it would be cool to burn them to CDs and play them without needing a computer, or having to save a million times in different places so that you can hear all the great tracks dispersed in various parts of the game.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Since the 3DO tracks are already availible above, I went to the trouble of converting all the mod tracks into mp3s as well. I used ModPlug Tracker and LAME to accomplish this deed. These files are being hosted on my personal machine, so bandwidth might be a bit on the low side (since I've got it being used most of the time), but if you're patient enough you can get all of this with little difficulty.
As a test, I plugged these files into Nero's audio image creator. All of these tracks take up about 77 minutes of an 80 minute CD-R. I'd say that's a pretty cozy fit. 
First of all, here are the compressed files that, between the three of them, contain all the music in UQM. Comm Screens 16.8 MB Victory Ditties 642 KB Everything Else 4.29 MB
And for those of you who only want a single file, here is the full list of tracks...
Comm Screens: 26.0 MB Total Arilou Chmmr Druuge Dynarri Ilwrath Kohr-Ah Melnorme Mycon Orz Pkunk Shofixti Slylandro Probe Slylandro Spathi Starbase Commander Supox Syreen Thraddash Umgah Ur-Quan Utwig VUX Yehat Zoq-Fot-Pik
Victory Ditties: 738 KB Total Androsynth Arilou Chenjesu Chmmr Druuge Human Ilwrath Kohr-Ah Melnorme Mmrnhrmm Mycon Orz Pkunk Shofixti Slylandro Probe Spathi Supox Syreen Thraddash Umgah Ur-Quan Utwig Vindicator VUX Yehat Zoq-Fot-Pik
Everything Else: 7.64 MB Total Battle Hyperspace Orbit Outfit Starship Quasispace Red Alert Shipyard Space Starbase
« Last Edit: December 08, 2005, 03:08:07 am by Sage »
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Thank You!
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2005, 08:29:00 am » |
Wow, that's a lot of tunes. Thanx!
I've downloaded the mods and remixes, I'll have to figure out how to get gamespy to let me download the 3DOs tommorow.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Thanks for pointing out the error. I actually corrected it yesterday, but my bandwidth was being so sluggish (from something unrelated to this) that I didn't have the patience to mention it until now.
It's good to see so many people are taking to these files. However, I do have one minor gripe. I've noticed on my transfer logs that many of you have requested both the compressed files and the individual ones. I can't actually tell (yet) if you're completing those requests, but I should relay this to you anyhow. The compressed downloads have exactly the same files you see from the individual links. If you want all the music, get the .RARs. If you only want a few tracks, then use the links for those. It's not that I have any real limit to how much bandwidth I can use, but it just seems like a waste to download all those files twice.
Now that that's out of the way...
Since Fileplanet just loves to not work, here are the converted 3DO exclusive tracks.
All of them in one file 29.86 MB Total
Individual Tracks: 30.2 MB Total Battle Hyperspace Orbit 1 Orbit 2 Orbit 3 Orbit 4 Orbit 5 Outfit Starship Quasispace Shipyard Space Starbase
« Last Edit: January 02, 2006, 01:31:53 am by Sage »
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Thanx again!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

I'm going to be moving, and thus will be without internet access (for an unknown period of time). My machine will be going offline sometime on the 13th. So, if you absolutely NEED these files in the near future, please get them before that date.
That is all.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

It has been mentioned. Perhaps you should (completely) read the posts that came before in this same thread?
Though it is technically possible to download the files linked from PNF (, for those who aren't paying attention), it is a major pain to accomplish due to Fileplanet. For some reason (at least for me) I had to spend 20 minutes scouring every GameSpy site I could think of before I managed to log in. Other people seem to have different problems in their attempts to deal with Fileplanet.
Because of all this, it just made sense to provide an alternate mirror. And it seems to have worked. Since I put these files up almost a month ago, there have been 271 downloads. That's not a staggering number by any means, but I think it proves my point.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Since I was here updating my other major thread, I thought I would bump this one too and let everyone know that the mp3s linked on this thread are availible again. In fact, they have been for some time now (as some already know). I just haven't gotten around to pointing it out until now...
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

I've noticed in the past few weeks some failed attempts to download the mp3s listed in this thread. This is due to the fact that these files are hosted on my machine. I just recently got a new 250 GB hard drive, which is now the home of these mp3s. When I return home from work, I'll update the links on this thread to reflect their new location, so that they may be downloaded again.
EDIT: It is done. The files are now properly linked.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2005, 03:09:54 am by Sage »
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