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Topic: What the hell?! Ultron quest.. plz explain (Read 4634 times)
Mor MErhav
Hokey... I achieved all of the parts of the Ultron that the Melnorme sugguested I should get (Aqua Helix, Rosy Sphere & Clear Spindle) so that I can give it to the Utwig for them to be my allies...
I tried EVERYTHING but there is no option in the dialogues to say nothing to them about the Ultron (not when you meet them in space, nor in their home planet and neither in the Precursor Bomb planet).
OK so I got tired and nuts and checked a walkthrough.. there I found out that I was suppose to go to some Lopux or whatever race and reconstruct the Ultron (?!?!?!)
HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT? who the hell tells that to you? do you just guess?! or did the creators of the game assume that you'll get tired of this mission and sometime just stumble in these Lopux's direction thus completing this quest?!
please answer this for me cause I have gathered all the info I can from every available source inside the game and not once did I even hear about this Lopux race... not to mention the need to go to them to construct the Ultron.
Mor MErhav
really?! but i've tried talking to them about it so many times...oh well, thanks guys!
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2005, 06:01:36 am » |
Uh oh, Mussad time.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Damn latin alphabet. They conquered everyone and didn't even provide I standard enough language system. Hopefully the Ur-Quan will do a better job.
Mor Merhav
wtf lol? how did you even know I was israeli? and hey i'm not stupid
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 200

how did you know his nationality?
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"wtf lol? how did you even know I was israeli?"
He must be a mossad agent.
"and hey i'm not stupid"
Because you are both of the same nationality, he can insult you (though insulting himself at the same time). The only downside is that your nation's spy agency can wack him for saying this, which gets complicated since he obviously works for them.
In the US the patriot acts I + II give the CIA similar justice powers, but they are so badly funded now that you'd probably just have to face a mobster with a water pistol.
If you're in China, their enightened buddist psychics will know that you will be saying something bad about the people's republic ahead of time and they'll kill you before you can open your mouth (if you don't believe this, watch the minority report.)
In Russia, if you complain don't order any soup for lunch.
The best place for a big mouth to be is Europe. There everybody (including spies and assasins) are "on holiday" for most of the year, there are more laws than you could read in a google lifetimes, and all the funding that their spy agencies might need goes to various social programs for people who can't pay for their own benefits, because they're on vacation so much.
You've really got to watch out for the UK, though. They've got James Bond.
P.S. I think I've got the entire world after me now, so if I stop posting, it's not a giant mystery.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2005, 11:21:32 pm by Deus_Siddis »
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"Look at your nickname, "Mor Merhav"."
I thought it was scandinavian, but then I'm sorta stupid.
What does it mean?
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