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Topic: sc3 (Read 2604 times)
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Posts: 200

« on: March 13, 2005, 02:17:25 pm » |
I think your kind of unfair to sc3 it's not as good as sc2 but is a 6.5-7.0 that said I think of it as an unrelated game and don't aply any of there explenations to sc2.
Re: sc3
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2005, 05:42:33 pm » |
And this is worth its own topic, how?
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"I think your kind of unfair to sc3"
I think not. SC3 is shit.
"And this is worth its own topic, how?"
I don't know, but it gave me a chance to call SC3 "shit" and that's worth something to me. 
Zebranky food

Posts: 38

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Re: sc3
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2005, 02:44:53 am » |
I downloaded star control 3 and #1. SC2 is the best. I think SC3 is based on SC1 and I haven't even figured out how to play of them yet.
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Posts: 170

Shofixti Scoutmaster
Re: sc3
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2005, 08:44:04 am » |
I downloaded star control 3 and #1. SC2 is the best. I think SC3 is based on SC1 and I haven't even figured out how to play of them yet.
SC1 started the whole thing, SC2 expands upon the scenarios and histories portrayed in SC1.
SC3 takes what was established storyline wise in SC1 & 2 and sodomises them with a baseball bat.
All the mysteries and questions as well as the ambiguity of SC2? Gone. Replaced by lame/non-sensical answers that are unsatisfying or leave a bad taste in ones mouth (Cosmic un-devolver, YECH!).
The isometric Melee was balls and even the 2d arena was poorly done. Planet gravity was a problem and if you think the AI was mediocre in SC2 (some ships need some serious fixing in SC2) then the AI in SC3 made battles nigh on unwinnable.
Recognise SC3 for what it was: A way to kill the plot elements so that Accolade could make an action space arcade game with little to no plot (Star Con).
As a game it required, nay, NEEDED, polish, lots and lots and lots of polish.
Trying to find an indiviual star? Good luck finding it in a star field with about a hundred or so stars there. Fuel? You have to wait for it to build up. And wait. And wait. And WAIT. Hell, I spent more time waiting for fuel then actually playing the damn game. And then theres the question of having the flagship suddenly becoming non-modular and have an infinite capacity for fuel, whilst your colonies with a whole planets worth of room can only hold a limited amount (forcing you to constantly travel between your colonies to ensure efficiency).
And dont get me started on Colony management. It was so dumbed down and non-existent that it makes my blood boil. Civilization had a more complicated city-management system then SC3 ever had.
I spent 8 hours total playing that game on and off over the period of a week, and I quite frankly want my 8 hours back.
Enough ranting now, time to level my Troll Mage in WoW =)
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