"Rolling-Phung" looks very much like it's just two people's names, one with an English last name ("Rolling") and one with a probably East Asian last name ("Phung)". SC2 is often very self-consciously multinational in its portrayal of the future Human race -- plenty of random Asian, Eastern European and so on names (though a shortage of names from, say, African languages).
It's not the first time SC2 has made up some cool-sounding future name for something out of whole cloth -- like the Leylande gravitational whip, or the Aguuti Nodules and Resiberg Helices that you can find as exotic minerals.
The Leyland gravity whip manoeuvre (which is described in the PC SC2 manual) seems to be named after Robert Leyland (credited for "Additional programming" and "Additional design" in SC1 and "Additional design" in SC2). The Ultronomicon seems to confirm this.
I'd imagine it's named so becuase Robert Leyland was fond of it. I'm sure he didn't invent it though, it's been in use ever since SPACEWAR! was written for the PDP-1.