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Topic: UQM MUD (Read 2847 times)
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2005, 09:30:33 pm » |
If you write it in C you'll spend most of your time creating the game engine, before you can actually start making the world. And other people joining your project is going to be hard too for the first few years. I suggest you go for an LPC based MUD. (LPC is a programming language for muds). You can still write your own mudlib (the shared LPC code), which is going to take long enough, or you could take a ready-made one. The most commonly used game driver is MudOS. There are several existing mudlibs for it (Lima, Discworld), but I understand they all leave something to be desired. So you may need to recode parts of the mudlib. There's also DGD, which is supposed to be a very well designed game driver, but there aren't any mudlibs available to directly base a game on. If you're going to write your mudlib from scratch, this is a good choice. There's also CD, which is the driver the mud I've been on for 8 years is based on. This one is closest to the original LP driver. There is a mudlib for it, but it's not very good, so you may want to start over, or at least redo significant parts. I personally like it because it's got some nice language constructs (though it misses some that the others have). I wrote (or rewrote rather) TCP and UDP modules for it (and added a MySQL module), which make it particularly suitable to interface with other external services. There are some other smaller ones, of which I don't know much.
There's also the easy way out, and go for a non-LPC driver, which in practice means there's at best a simple scripting language for the area designers. Diku, ROM and SMAUG are the most used ones here. Area designers are very limited in what they can do, but every moron can (and does) contribute. This kind of driver is mostly combat-oriented, and rather unsuitable for role-playing and quests.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
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Posts: 200
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2005, 02:48:48 am » |
I'll test don't know if I can do any programing or stuff though.
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