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Topic: SC2 Emulation on XBox? (Read 1909 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 4

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
One of the best console experiences I had was playing the original Star Control on the Sega Genesis. It had outstanding music and graphics for the era, and gameplay, both strategic and action-oriented, that possessed my young mind.
I frequently played both the strategic mode and the melee mode against neighbors, and it was truly a game-defining experience.
Years later I played the sequel on PC. It blew my mind. However, the experience could have been better - if it was available on a console, I could have super-melee'd against old foes (my neighbors) with a much larger variety of ships! On top of that, I could have wielded my weapon of choice, the Playstation 2 controller (modded to work with the Xbox).
I vaugely remember hearing that Star Control 2 could be emulated on the Xbox. I do not remember the specifics, but if I recall correctly, all 3D0 games have been successfully emulated on the Xbox. Is this true?
Thanks guys, sorry if I missed this topic in the FAQ.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Thanks for the replies, fellas!
I was thinking, Star Control 1 had a pretty awesome strategic versus mode. It was not entirely eclipsed by its sequel - Might a future release of Ur-Quan Masters come bundled with the original?
How feasible would it be to create a strategic versus mode, just like in SC1, for SC2?
Zebranky food

Posts: 4

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I think it would be quite doable. Let us know when you have a working version for us to test.
Oh, had I the ability, I would do everything I could!
Unfortunately, I do not, and so doing my utmost, I can come up with nothing more than a few cardboard cut-outs, animated by my own hand. Oh, and I also do some pretty mean space combat noises.
As you can see, I'm quite talented. Sadly, I cannot transmit this to all of you in the form of a playable game, unless I am present. And I have the feeling that few of you would actually want to meet me.
The sources for the first Star Control have been forever lost to the ravages of time.
Ah, this is truly saddening. Oh, but wait a second - I've got an idea brewing: What about developing a time machine to travel backwards in time? You could recover the lost source material, and find out who shot JFK, all in the same punch! Brilliant!
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