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Topic: Black Sky 1.3 alpha is now out! (Read 2951 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 200

at last. but why is 1.3 an alpha?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 316

Resident pseudointellectual
Well, I downloaded it and tried it out. The engine seems promising, although I have some difficulty getting to grasps with the inertia physics. But then, I suck at melee.
The BS webpage says "Black Sky is a work in progess [sic] 2d sci-fi space RPG action game". So, exactly how similar to SC2 will this game be? IMO, SC2 has one of the happiest marriages of story elements, rpg elements, action and fun rolled into one rollicking ride you're ever likely to come across. I'm not saying you should copy things, but it's a matter of recognising what elements makes a great game great, and attempting to use those elements in your own way.
On a related note: there seems to be an increasing number of "home-made" games available on the internet these days, and many of these are really quite interesting. But a lot of promising projects seem to fall apart once the developers realise how much work making a game really is. Will Black Sky be one of these?
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
"So, exactly how similar to SC2 will this game be?"
SC2 had excellent combat gameplay, and excellent humor, but in all other areas it seemed to fall short of its forerunner, Starflight. And from what I've absorbed, Black Sky is following more in the footsteps of Starflight, than other space RPGs.
"On a related note: there seems to be an increasing number of "home-made" games available on the internet these days, and many of these are really quite interesting. But a lot of promising projects seem to fall apart once the developers realise how much work making a game really is. Will Black Sky be one of these?"
I have also noticed this happen a lot. But if he thought his project was heading for oblivion, would he be spending all these hours, working on it?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2005, 08:46:53 pm by Deus_Siddis »
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
That's your heading, not your destination.
Head for the planet around the origin. Go towards the bottom-left corner of the screen.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2005, 09:37:42 am » |
The 1.3 controls may be a little to unwieldy, but the 1.2 flight physics seemed kinda flat. I think it's cool having the ship respond with some realism, the new turning drift included.
The reason your turret isn't working, is because your ship doesn't have one. If this bothers you, you can edit some of the text files to switch out your ship for one with turrets, add one to your ship, or make a completely new one with a 100 turrets, if you like. The new turrets are self operating, so you don't use you mouse to aim it anymore.
Zebranky food

Posts: 17

Newb Programmer
If your ship has turrets, you can still control them manually, by hitting Q if you want to.
And yeah, The defiant ship has a little to much kick it its rotation speed.. hehe. So it makes it a little more harder to control.
But don't worry. I'm just throwing stuff in really. Once the game gets into a real production mode, where things are starting to fit, the ill go through and balance things and make them feel better, more responsive.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2005, 09:55:35 am by ViperG »
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